High School

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High School, the place of education. Well, more so the place where one would gain or lose friends, and the dating truly becomes dating. You always knew the first one was going to happen, that was the inevitable, but you never expected the second one. Who were you dating? Well you were dating the hockey teams best centre, Cody Glass. He himself was surprised he was dating you, he always thought you were out of his league. It's not like you were outstandingly attractive, you saw yourself as pretty average but he always saw the best in you. So boy was he the happiest you had ever seen him when you said you would go out on a date with him, and even more so when you agreed to be his girlfriend.

Many at school deemed you guys as 'that couple', the one that would be high school sweethearts. You guys were the couple that would walk each other to class, study for tests with each other, and have picnics during lunch. Maybe that was seen as a bit much, but you guys loved taking care of each other and making the other happy.

Let's just say when he asked you to go to his school hockey game and wear his alternate jersey you were beyond excited. Although deep down inside you were hoping he was going to invite you, since your best friend was going too. She was also dating a boy on the team, the captain Maxime Comtois. That's how Cody met you, you had gone to a game with your friend to watch her boyfriend play.

The school has an unspoken code that after a home game win, the players and their friends or dates can go celebrate at the local diner with them. The meals were free, and the diner was a sponsor for the schools rink, so they never had an issue providing for the boys and all the extras. Not knowing anyone you hung out with your friend and her boyfriend, however his two friends are always by his side after the game. You had known who Owen Tippett and Cody Glass were, after all they were your friends boyfriends line partners. Their line was called by other schools the "three headed monster". They were truly scary and linked up like they had done so their whole lives. All five of you sat in a booth together, but Cody couldn't stop staring at you. You and Owen connected just like siblings, and after that night continually look out for each other like brother and sister.

It was a bit unusual however since Cody was being awfully quiet, you knew he was typically super rambunctious, but not tonight. You asked him if he was okay, and he blurted out (which it didn't hit you until later that it was an accident) that he thought you were really pretty and he liked you. Luckily for you, you had seen him before and already had developed a crush towards him so your response was obvious. Overall you guys had exchanged numbers to chat further, and you both knew one thing; you wanted to see each other again.

Cody had given you his jersey, and like the rest of the people that were given jerseys by the team you wore them to school on game day. You wore it with leggings and your converse, much like the other girls did. When you had seen your best friend in the hall she did a double take, you and Cody were a newer couple around school so it was shocking this early on he gave you his top. Upon seeing Cody in the hallways, he grinned at you widely proud that his girl was in his jersey. Seeing him smile back made you smile too, but of course he was walking with Owen to their lockers and he was punched in the shoulder. You couldn't help but laugh at Owen, he was honestly your guy best friend and you couldn't be more thankful to have the trio in your life.

Before the game you had plenty of time until you had to be there, since the team had to be early for warm ups and pregame ritual stuff which consisted of eating specific foods, wrapping their sticks, and pump up music. You and your best friend decided to go early to watch warm ups like you normally do, but you made sure to put a hoodie on underneath his jersey so you wouldn't freeze. Along with that you wore a warm winter hat with the teams logo on it, given to you by Cody that day. Well not really given, but more of a surprise. You were going to your locker at the end of the day, and sure enough he left his hat in there with a note saying "for later :))))". Your heart warmed at the kind gesture of your boyfriend, and you definitely would be using it later. As you two headed into the arena, you picked your usual seats. The seats were front row center line, it made it easier on your necks to see both sides during each period. You two took your places and the trio of boys noticed you a few minutes into warm ups and skated over to say hi real quick, you both gave them fist bumps through the glass. Something that had become your ritual since the game after the diner night. No less than twenty minutes later Cody skated over with a puck, and flipped it over for you to catch. You shook your head, you had seen the professional athletes do that before when you had watched Canada games with him. Obviously he knew he was good, so you have to act the part too, right? So you decided to play the part too just like you had seen, you gripped the puck to your chest acting like the kids you see so often on television. You became a team favorite and all the boys started to become your friends too, much like they were Cody's.

Little to say that wasn't the last time you wore Cody's jersey to his games, it was the first of many. You were his 'good luck charm' as he would call it, and if you ever were to miss his game (which you didn't because you loved watching him play) he wouldn't play well. You became such a big fan of watching your boyfriend and the two other dweebs he called his best friends, who became your unbiological brothers.

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