Ch 2 The Rules

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Ugg. It feels like I was run over by a truck! I attempted to open my eyes but it feels like their glued shut. So instead I listen.

"ZAAAAAYN! Are we there yet?!?" I hear someone complain. Where the heck am I?

"UG! HARRY! Quit complaining! We are five minutes or so away! Is she awake yet?" I assumed the person talking was Zayn and the she was me so I continued pretending to be asleep I guess. I heard a sigh before Harry began talking.

"No she's not. Obviously if she was I would be flirting with the hot girl instead of complaining to you!" Okay, now I'm sure there's another girl in this . . . where ever I am. Cause I am certainly not hot.

I heard a groan come from in front of me. My curiosity was getting the best of me so I opened my eyes and tried to sit up. Bad idea.

"OW!" I yell as soon as I sit up. I look and see I have bruises all over my arms and a few on my stomach. What the heck? I look around to see where the heck I am.

I see a guy, who I guess is Zayn driving the van I'm in and Harry staring wide eyed at me. Since I still have no idea where I am I decide to break the awkward silence.

I turn to Harry and say, "Take a picture, it'll last longer." His mouth fell open and I held back my laughter. But Zayn didn't. I turned to him. "Where the heck am I?" I ask.

"Your in a van love." to which Harry adds, "With one poser" Gestures to Zayn "And perfection." Gestures to himself.

"Well no dip I'm in a van but how the heck did I get in this van?" These guys are useless.

They both give each other a look before Zayn replies "You don't remember?" And that's when it hits me.

The carnival. The phone call. The car. The 'fight'. And then Harry putting that thing over my mouth and nose. It all comes back to me and I just sit there stunned. My idiot brother got me kidnapped! I'm being kidnapped! I turn and look at Harry ready to do some serious damage.

"Don't even think about it Joy." I hear Zayn say. Wait, I never told them my name.

"How did you find out my name?!?!" Unless I was drunkly babbling while I was knocked out they shouldn't know anything!

"Heh, we kinda called your brother and told him when we get the money he gets you. And while doing that we may have looked through your phone." Harry said scratching his neck nervously. Bitch.

"I still don't see why I am a part of this!!" I complained.

"Because. Your brother rambles alot and mentioned you. He mentioned hating his bloody, god awful parents and how he does everything he does for you. We honestly thought you were his girlfriend the way he was talking about you."  

"Well im not. Im his sister. Now let me out of this thing and no one gets hurt. "  

"We cant do that or uncle Si would kill us for not having his money back to him in ti-" Harry started before Zayn yelled "We're here!!" They each grabbed one of my arms and led me to the door.  

Once inside, Zayn let go of my arm and told Harry to take me to my room. I think I heard him whisper 'and no funny business. Shes a hostage not a guest.' Whatever. Like I'd ever let any of them get in my pants. I scoffed at the idea. 

"You never know. We can be very persuasive." Harry whispered, sending chills down my spine. I just ignored him and let him lead me to my room. 

After we arrived I ripped my arm out of his. I sat on the bed and made a shooing motion with my hands. Instead of leaving he sat next to me. "Joy, I don't want to kidnap you, but if we don't get the money our careers are over. Please, can we just start over?" Ha. That idiot thinks his charm and deep green eyes and smooth talking will get me?HA! 

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