Ch 4 California Bound

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"Erm, well basically . . . ." I got nothing. Why was I in his room? Cause I'm nosy. But I can't say that. Think Joy, think!

"I . . . was looking for . . . food." Yeah! That works! "Food! And so I was looking for the kitchen . . . but . . . got kinda . . . lost?" I really hope he bought that. 

He sighed and began to walk out. Suddenly he paused at the door way. "Your lying." He said in a tone so low I almost didn't hear him.

"W-what?" I stammered out. Great, now I'll have to explain. Shoot!

"You heard me, now tell me the truth. What were  you doing in here?" He turned to look at me this time. I'm screwed.

"FINE! I can't handle being a caged animal! I'm nosy and bored and human. What did you expect? For me to be civil and peaceful while being locked up in this hell hole?!? Cause I can't do that unless you want me to go insane!" I screamed out at him, though it's not like I meant too. I guess Cody was right.

Even if you bottle up your emotions they have to come out sometime. And usual they come out in anger.

I heard someone awkwardly clear their throat and looked up to see the rest of my kidnappers standing behind Zayn. 

"Well Joy, we're sorry you feel this way but we can't let you go. I'm sorry. We all truly are. Now, Harry is gonna take you back up to your room and Niall is gonna get you some food. Right lads?" Liam said in an authoritative tone. They all nodded before going off to do what they were told.

"Come on Joy." Harry said. I rolled my eyes. If they think I'm gonna give up this easily then they are stupider then I thought.

"Hmm, how about" I stopped and put my finger to my chin as if I was thinking. "No." I said simply.

The usually flirty smiley Harry Styles immediately vanished. Instead a scowl appeared on his face and it just seemed out of place.

"Listen, you are coming now. Whether it's the easy way or the hard way you are going to your room." Wow, he sounds like what I imagine a normal parent lecturing their child would sound like.

"Make me." I said with a smirk. I can honestly say what happened next was unexpected on my part.

He dashed over and scooped me up before I had time to react. "As you wish." He smirked back and began to carry me to my room.

Once we got there he sat on the bed still not letting me go. So I did what any sane person would do if Harry Styles was holding them on their bed.

"HARRY STYLES GET OFF OF MY BED NOW AND LET ME GO!!!" I screamed. Sort of. I only got to the word bed before he shoved his hand over my mouth. 

Great. Now I'm gonna be harassed about Harry and me getting it on. Exactly what I need. *extreme sarcasm*

Then harry leaned over. "Now, now. You should stay quiet. Wouldn't want the lads to think anything is going on now would we?" He said wiggling his eyebrows and his signature smirk. This was not gonna end well. 

I hated how close he was and he was definitely enjoying it too much. Time to ruin this "perfect moment". *more sarcasm*

I chomped down on his hand hard. "OOOOOWWWWW!!!!" He screamed. 

In response I flipped him over and put my hand over his mouth. "Now, now. you should stay quiet. Wouldn't want the lads to know what's going on up here now would we?" I said in a mimic/sickly sweet tone. 

Then he liked my hand. Which was gross. 

Not for me though. 

He whipped my hand off of his mouth. 

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