Chapter 12: Differences and Similarities

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Yoongi POV

"What do you mean she grew up completely differently than us?" I ask Namjoon as soon as we're out of her room. He sighs, frowning at me slightly.

"Hyung,... in just about every way possible, she grew up completely differently than us. The way she was raised, the way she handled her losses, how she lost people compared to you and even me. It's a completely different demon." He explains quietly, moving a little bit away from the door before sitting on the floor. I move with him, sitting down across the hall from him.

"You said you lost your father in that police raid though, didn't you? Isn't that the same way she lost her father?" I question, confused on what the difference could be. Namjoon immediately shakes his head in response.

"I lost him to the police raid. They were coming in rooms and just shooting. Her uncle, her father's right hand man, knew about the police raid before they got to the room the three of them were in. He... Her uncle took her away into a secret room that was attached to her father's office. It was fake glass, made to look like it was the end of the room and hall... She was able to see into the room though. Her father shot himself before the police could come in and do it themselves. She watched her father kill himself." Namjoon says softly, looking over towards the door that leads into the room with the girl in it.

I stay silent, not knowing how to respond to that. I lost my father in a fight with one of our rivalry gangs and that was hard enough to deal with. Watching my own father get killed right in front of me. She didn't even watch someone else do the killing. She watched her own father take his own life.

"She has a million demons that I'm sure she fights on a daily basis, hyung. The things she went through... She had over half of the entire gang completely afraid of her by the age eight. She'd always been closer to her younger brother... so when the family lost him, she became a completely different person. Nobody dared look her in the eye, everyone moved out of her way. When she was placed on missions, it wasn't a question that she would be the one in charge." Namjoon speaks suddenly, his voice still quiet as he watches the door.

"The gang that took her brothers life... They'd better hope in any luck they have that she never finds them. Everyone in the gang knew the way her father raised her. There were some rival gangs that would fight us like hell until they saw her. The moment they laid eyes on her, knowing she was there, they'd retreat.

"Raised to endure as much physical pain as the human body could truly allow, to show no pain and show no mercy. She was a human tool that the entire gang feared. Ryujin started killing at the age of six, the day she lost her mother. When Hoseok disappeared... Nobody dared say a word to her but her uncle and father.

"I have to say, when I came here with you and found out Hoseok was here as well... I can't tell you how close I was to doing everything I could to find her and tell her. Granted, it wouldn't have worked anyways since she wasn't who everyone thought she was identity-wise. I can't imagine how she feels knowing he's actually alive and that he's been here." He continues, almost as though he's in a trance as he keeps his eyes trained on the door.

"She sounds more like a liability than an asset." I think aloud with a small frown, causing Namjoon to finally take his eyes away from the door to look over at me.

"The last thing she is, wouldn't be a liability. Knowing her brother is here, alive and content with us, she'll do everything in her power to protect us given the opportunity. Family is something she always held dear to her, hyung." He informs me, a small frown on his own face.

I stay silent though, merely shrugging in response. I don't know that I want her to be given the opportunity...

"Boys, you can both come back in now." Jin finally tells us as he opens the door. We both nod, standing up and walking back in. She's sat back on the window seat once again as she looks out the window.

"We still need to come up with a plan, hyung." Namjoon reminds me as we sit back down where we originally had been.

"Keep Hoseok and Jin in the car when we go. Take Namjoon and Jungkook with you to find your brother. I'll distract him, but not the way originally planned. More so fuck with him and make him angry at me. If necessary, I will turn it into a blood bath though, if you take too long." Ryujin speaks up before anyone else could say anything. I look at her in surprise.

"And who do you think you are to be telling me what the plans are?" I question softly, walking over and sitting down behind her. I gently place my hands on her hips, letting them rest there.

"Hyung, if there's any one person who's your best match, it's her. She was raised to lead her father's gang and could've done it at eleven if she'd had the chance. She knows what she's doing when making plans for a mission." Namjoon speaks up. I sigh, leaning my forehead against the back of her shoulder.

"Just this once, we'll go with your plan. If my brother gets seriously hurt or killed because of you-"

"You'll kill me. I know and I don't blame you." She finishes softly. A small smile toys with my lips as I press a gentle kiss to her skin before pulling my head back up.

"Jin, how is she?" I ask, turning my attention to my hyung since he hadn't informed us of any further injuries.

"She has four broken ribs. You already know about the broken shin and sprained ankle. In all technicality, she shouldn't be going on the mission next week. Her leg and ribs won't remotely be healed yet. However, considering how stubborn she seems to be, I know there's no way of getting her to stay. She needs to rest as much as possible though, so that she can be as ready as possible." He explains with a small frown.

"Good. I'm glad that's all. The file is in front of you, kitten. I need you to know this guy inside and out before the mission next week. Rest up." I inform her before standing up and walking out with Jin and Namjoon following behind me.

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