Chapter 14: The Gang

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"Ryujin, hurry the fuck up! Do not make us late!" Yoongi shouts from the other side of the bathroom door as he bangs on it. I roll my eyes, checking my makeup one last time and making sure that all my weapons are in place. Thigh holster on each leg with extra ammo and a knife hidden up each sleeve of the beautiful blood red dress I'm stuck in.

Seconds after he's yelled at me, I open the door and step out. He's about to start scolding me, but stops when his eyes land on me. His mouth falls slightly agape as his eyes slowly scan my entire figure. Pulling his lips tightly shut, he gives me a curt head nod before reaching his hand out to me.

"Come on. We need to get going." He says calmly as I take his hand, nodding in response.

Silently, we head downstairs and out to the limo waiting for us. When we get there, the rest of the boys are already inside and ready to go. Jungkook and Jin's eyes widen in surprise when they see me, but both stay silent as we shut the door behind us.

Immediately, the vehicle begins driving while Yoongi and I take our seats beside each other. The drive there is completely silent and I force my anxiety down. I've not been on an actual mission in years, even if this one is nothing like the ones I've been on before. That might be my biggest issue with this. Is simply that I've not had to do anything like this before.

"Remember. Fuck this up and your dead." Yoongi whispers into my ear as we walk up to the front door when we get there. I merely nod my head as we continue walking with Jungkook and Namjoon following behind us.

"Suga! While it's great to see you, I'm afraid I've got to ask what you're doing here." The guy I recognize to be Hyunjin asks with a smirk on his face. Recognizing the look immediately, I already know that the boys won't be allowed in. But of course, I can't just explain that to them.

"You're hosting an open housed party, Hyunjin. We thought we'd drop by and see how things are going. We know numerous gangs are here." Yoongi answers calmly. However, Hyunjin just chuckles.

"While that sounds fun and all, I'm afraid there's a reason I didn't reach out to certain gangs to inform you of this. You boys won't be allowed in in afraid. Though, your hot little bitch is certainly welcome." He smirks. Yoongi immediately pulls me closer to his side, his grip on my waist tightening slightly are he glares.

"She's off fucking limits, Hyunjin. She's my fiancée." Yoongi growls angrily. I gently place my hand on top of his, feeling him calm down ever so slightly.

"Sorry, Suga. I'm afraid she's the only one I'll be allowing into this lovely little get together I'm having. It's your choice." Hyunjin says, still smirking as he watches Yoongi in amusement.

I can see from the corner of my eye Yoongi's jaw clench as he turns to look down at me. Looking up at him to meet his gaze, I can see the internal battle he's having with himself. Giving him just a hint of a smirk, I give him a reassuring look with an attached smile.

"I'll be fine, Yoongi. I can represent the gang for us. Everyone will have to know eventually that I'm your fiancée and eventually wife, right?" I speak before turning back to look at Hyunjin.

"Fine. Let me know when you're done here, kitten." He mumbles, nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck for a moment as he gives me a back hug.

And, while it all may make us look like an honest and true couple who cares for each other, I can feel the fairness in his motions and body language. He's pissed and is now being forced to rely on the one person he doesn't yet know if he can trust. His actions in reality are a warning to me, being able to also hear the unspoken warning in his voice as well before he releases me.

Once he does so though, he steps back and the three boys head back to the car while I'm led inside. Hyunjin smirks at me as he leads me in and closes the door behind us.

As we walk around the room, he introduces me to many people there. Though, the only thing I'm focused on is figuring a way to get him the hell away from me. Keeping an eye on the different people here.

Though, eventually, we stop greeting people. Hung in back, I'm still stuck next to the damned bastard.

"Ryujin, right? Would you like a drink?" He offers with a smile, though I can see the smirk hiding clear as day behind it. He thinks I'm an innocent fuck who doesn't have any real business in being here. Hah.

"Sounds like a great idea." I answer with a fake smile of my own. He grins, nodding.

"Perfect. I'll be right back with the perfect drink for you." He winks before turning to walk off.

However, as he's leaving, my eyes catch sight of the tattoo he has behind his ear which matches the one on his hand. It's only now that I notice the tattoo that reaches out onto the back of his hand along with the ring that accompanies it.

"Holy shit... It's them." I mutter to myself, forgetting the fact that I've got my earpiece in so that I can hear the boys stuck in the car as well as them being able to hear me. Thanks to Hoseok's hacking skills as well as Namjoon's, I know they'll be able to also keep visuals on me as well.

"It's who, Ryujin?" I hear Jungkook ask curiously through the earpiece. Shaking my head to myself, I turn on my heel and begin to find a corridor to head down.

"Nothing." I answer quietly as I walk down the suspicious hallway.

"TAE, WATCH OUT!" I scream at the top of my lungs as I look over at my brother, finding two kids who appear to be around our age running at him with knives and a gun in their hands. I'm quick enough to take out the first one with one of my knives, but too slow for the second one who shoots my baby brother.

Sadly, I don't have the chance to go over and help him, having three adult men coming straight for me. Taking off towards where my brother is before they can reach me, I wrestle with the unknown boy who's trying to stab my brother who's already losing a ton of blood from the two bullet wounds he's taken.

However, one of the men who'd been after me rips me away from the kid, throwing me back against the wall that wasn't too far away. I can't see the unknown boy who'd been after Tae as I have to fight off the three men. Though, when I eventually do spot him, my heart drops at the sight.

"TAE, NO!" I scream, the unknown boy smirking at me before shoving the knife into the bottom of my brothers neck, officially and completely killing him.

The boy just smirks at me, pulling the knife out and tossing it to me before walking off out of the room to leave the rest of the adults in the room to handle our gang. I don't miss scanning over the boys face to remember him. I also make sure to take a good look over one of the dead body's when we're done there, finding the markings for their gang so I'd know who to come back after.

I promise you, Tae. I'll fix this. I'll kill that son of a bitch if it's the last goddamned thing I do. I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. But I promise that I'll make it right. I'll find him if it's the last thing I do and make sure to kill him, leaving him no mercy just as he did to you.

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