the texts

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As you can see in a pretty big army, been one for a year, and I know more than most people about bts, I got INSPARATION for this in my bed at night  and I decided to make it, and it's no one's point of view so it's all going to be 3d person, enjoy m8...

Jaiden: hey jam jam

James: wut

Jaiden: ur new nickname James, do you not like it?(°-°)

James: it's just, wierd, also hows ari

Jaiden: o, and ari is fine, so I have this question I've wanted to ask you 4 a long time🕛

James: Um ok, what is it is it wierd is it about you is it about your life?

Jaiden:it's kinda wierd I think, so here it is,

What do you feel about me James, do you like me, do you think of me as a sister, what do you think about me James??

James: hold up for a moment I'll be right back.


* time skip brought to you by me:(*

James: here

Jaiden: James

James: I know j, you don't like me, its fine I'll be on my way now

Jaiden: James wait, I'm moving in with you now

James: wut why?

Jaiden: you'll see I gotta pack bye

James: Um bye then

James and Jaiden shared a house, where they started dating, and eventually,  got married, and breaking the news to fans, James everyday when Jaiden woke up said, "take my hands now, you are the cause of my euphoria!"
The end(fin)

Hi, I'm E today I posted a chapter, you're reading it, right now, subscribe to jake paul or Logan paul will cuddle you In your sleep
Bye I'm E

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