Order of the Phoenix | Year 1 Part 8

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*This ones pretty long, but I struggled to find a good place to stop*

*Also, THANK YOU to all those who are actually reading this! I feel so stupid writing this and it makes me so happy that some people are actually clicking on my story! I LOVE YOU ALL!*

"...colliding forces isn't always a clean unison."

Dumbledore sat at his desk, Snape standing at his left side, and the three students in front in chairs. Pansy was at one of the ends, playing with her black hair, looking down into her lap. (y/n) was in the middle, quite uncomfortable, and Draco on the other side, just looking displeased. 

"Miss Parkinson," The Head Masters voice rang out in its usually proud tone, "a weeks detention with Hagrid." Pansy huffed, but did not protest. Dumbledore looked at Severus "May you escort her to the Slytherin common room?" 

"Yes...Sir." Snape looked extremely unhappy to not witness what would happen to the two lovebirds, as did Pansy. The two made their way out of his office, with the rotation of the large gold bird. 

"Now," he stood, a small smile on his beard covered face "for you two." He walked from behind his desk, standing in front of them. (y/n) nervously twiddled her thumbs. "Sherbet Lemon, anyone?" The man popped a small yellow candy into his mouth from a small dish on his desk. Draco shook his head, while (y/n) was struck with confusion, for she had never heard of a 'sherbet lemon' before. 

"No thank you, Professor." She said, politely.

"Alright, now, why are you here again?" he looked between the two.

"Hasn't Snape already told you?" Malfoy was a bit rattled by the question, as the other professor had already spoken to him about it, surly.

"Of course, but I wish to hear it from you two. Tell me, from the beginning." They turned towards each other, (y/n) started.

"I came in for breakfast, Draco came over to the Ravenclaw table." she sighed, not wishing to admit what she did to the Head Master "Uh, Pansy, she saw us uh-" She wasn't sure what to say.

"We kissed, Professor." Draco butt in, the old man smiled.

"Alright, and why was she so angry?" He asked, as if he didn't know the answer.

"She likes me, you see." 

"Oh, of course, of course, Mr Malfoy." He strolled back to behind his desk again, stroking the Phoenix perched beside him. "Is that it, (y/n)?"

"Yes, Sir. "

"Well, I don't see any reason to punish you two. As the Professor has explained, neither of you drew your wands, correct?"

"Yes." They said in unison.

" Although you two were kissing in the middle of the Hall, who am I to stop young love?" he chuckled. This made both tense, who said anything about love, right?

"I will give you a word of warning," his voice grew serious, an unusual sound for the Professor, "you both are very special children, in very special circumstances. A word of caution, colliding forces isn't always a clean unison." He paused for a moment, the small smile returning to his rosy face "You may leave, children." The two stood and walked out silently, until they reach the base of the stairs. 

"What did he mean by that?" (Y/n) asked, not yet facing the boy.

"What do you mean?"

She looked at him now, seeing his concern "'colliding forces', 'special children'." she said, adding finger quotations. 

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