Order of the Phoenix | Year 1 Part 32

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I wasn't going to go with this plot line at first, but I think I like it. tell me what you think! If you hate it, I still can steer it away and do something different.


"With eyes glazed over with unshed tears, and a brain littered with questions, she went to dinner."

(Y/n)'s mind was riddled with the unknown, but she knew three things for certain. One: that there was a club called the "DA", which all three of her roommates, Harry, Hermione, and almost certainly Ron was apart of; Two: Umbridge and the Inquisitorial Squad wanted to find out what it was; And three: her strong connection to Draco was causing her classmates to lose faith in her.

(y/n) played it over and over in her head, the conversation she had listened in on. Cho wanted to tell her, Maddie did not. Luna, as usual, was in the middle of it all. Hermione was confident in (y/n)'s loyalty to their cause, Harry was not. And possibly the most disturbing part of it all, Harry had, or as still having (y/n) watched. (y/n) knew it was to see if she was a death eater, or something of the sort, but that was not the question which occupied her mind so often these days. It was: who was watching her? This horrified her to no end, making it difficult for her to focus on her studies or do anything productive. Around every corner, in every dark crevice the castle was home to, she felt as if something was lurking there. When she closed her eyes, or focused on something, who knows if she was being observed. (y/n) felt like a butterfly in a jar.

Her Herbology grade in particular was slipping, and Potions was on its way to being the same. Draco had kindly offered to tutor her in it, because it was one of his best subjects, but she refused, knowing he had a lot on his plate already. So, (y/n) turned to her newfound friend, Fay, who was delighted to help. She was very good at Herbology and only average at Potions, although this didn't make much of a difference. (y/n) was doing so poorly that any help was better than her on her own.

The two girls went to the library almost everyday an hour before dinner. (y/n) enjoyed the extra routine to her life, because it distracted her from her friends, who she now knew suspected something of her, and the secret spy. (y/n) slowly began to spend less time with them, and more with Fay and Draco's respective crews.

This continued into the early days of March, until one day, while Fay and (y/n) were studying as usual, (y/n) gained another major clue to the DA riddle.

(y/n) was sitting at a small table next to a window, gazing out of it while she recited ingredients to Fay, who was looking down at her textbook. Her eyes wandered across the small slopes and grassy fields, all the way to Hagrid's raggedy hut at the edge of the wood. The trees were a dark green, hints of black and brown speckling the forrest bed. It was beautiful, (y/n) thought.

From the brush near the hut, (y/n) caught a glimpse of an animal, black and scrawny, but big. She narrowed her eyes and leaned in closer the to window, now no longer saying anything to Fay. She looked up at (y/n).

"What?" Fay asked, curiously.

"There." (y/n) glanced at Fay, then back out the window "An animal."

Fay looked were (y/n) was, struggling to see the creature. Then, it came out from the forrest revealing itself to be a dog, the biggest one (y/n) had ever seen.

"What?" (y/n) said, "A dog? Whats a dog doing here?" Fay shared her puzzled expression.

"Maybe its a wolf." Fay offered, but (y/n) shook her head.

"Look at it, its shaped differently. Its scrawny, even if it was starving its fur would make it look less."

For a moment, both just looked at the animal, slowly creeping from the safety of the woods. Then, abruptly, (y/n) stood and looked down at Fay.

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