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Today the boys and I are going to see a movie. I hope this goes well. We are standing in the line for the theaters. "JHope what movie should we watch" I ask him and he puts on his thinking face. I told the youngest to go get some candy.

Today the boys and I are going to see a movie. I hope this goes well. We are standing in the line for the theaters. "JHope what movie should we watch," I ask him and he puts on his thinking face. I told the youngest to go get some candy.

"Jin can you go order the food," I told him and Namjoon has an excited face. "What do I do Y/n" Namjoon asked with his bright teeth and dimples. His ears are covered like the rest of the boys. "You stay here," I say with a smaller equivalent to his.

"Whyyyy" Namjoon complains. "Well bud you don't have the best history with carrying things but you can protect me from predators that wish to hurt me" Namjoon is suddenly happy and raps his arms around me.

"Y/n I found a movie" JHope stayed as he points to the one movie that I hoping he would pick. He chooses Robin Hood (a/n I haven't seen the movie so I am not going to say it's my favorite but the trailer makes it look good)

"Great choice Hope" I smile and put my hand on his shoulder and rubbed it a little to say a good job while Namjoon tightened his hold on me a little more. Wonder why.

"Y/n we got the food" Tae days and Jungkook and Jimin show up with handfuls of candy and Jin shows up with the actual food like popcorn and pizza how can they hold up all that food in there tiny hands especially Jimin. "Ok, guys great job now let's go" we all walk excited to see Robin Hood and even Yoongi is excited even though he looks upset I can see a slight smile on his face.

Jimin hands break

"THAT WAS SUCH A GOOD MOVIE" Jimin kept praising how good the movie was and Jungkook pretends he was like a ninja and when I look at anything besides Jungkook he moves to get away and hide then sneak attack me

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"THAT WAS SUCH A GOOD MOVIE" Jimin kept praising how good the movie was and Jungkook pretends he was like a ninja and when I look at anything besides Jungkook he moves to get away and hide then sneak attack me. Maybe that movie was a mistake.

Surprisingly the boys were good during the movie. Namjoon did not break anything, Yoongi smiled during the action scene, JHope jumped during some parts but looked like he enjoyed it and Jin smiled and laughed while making some cringe worth but also humorous dad jokes. The test jest kept messing around by pretending they were ninjas in their seat while Jungkook analyzed the heck out of the moves and how he shot the Arrow.

But I can it can get any better.

"Guys you want to go to dinner" the boys cheered and I took that as a yes. "Hold Hands with the youngest we are crossing the road. ". Yes I sill say hold hand I don't want one to eat hurt and they way teens be driving and the way grown-ups text and drive I don't fully trust these streets.

"We're going to eat at Islands" also my favorite place to eat. "Y/n why are we going on an island," Jungkook asks with a curious face. I laughed and explained it's a restaurant. "Ohh k I get it"

We walked in and got our booth. We all laugh and are having a good time. "Y/n" I feel a tap on my shoulder so like any human I turn around and I see my ex. "We need to talk

A/n hello my peeps what's going on and hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I was going to publish a chapter on Thanksgiving and I was going to be about y/n( you ) having Thanksgiving with Bts but they are humans. I didn't get to finish it so I stopped but for Christmas, I will make a special chapter. So here is a video for you and this is an ARMY test, in the beginning, the questions are easy but they eventually get harder.

 So here is a video for you and this is an ARMY test, in the beginning, the questions are easy but they eventually get harder

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Claws (BTS Hybrid x Female Reader) Complete Where stories live. Discover now