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Hopes Pov

Get ready princess, you'll be safe soon. The guys and I are coming, and we will make sure that dad of yours will never see the light of day again.

Y/n Pov

Today... is the day that the marriage is being taken place. A few days ago Jace tried to get with me again but I somehow convinced him that we should wait till marriage. My father had finally let me out of the room or you should say cage and he is letting me use the bathroom. The flooring is black carpet and the color of the walls is red. Hmm, he thinks he's smart, the only reason why he has black carpet in the freakin bathroom is because its easier to hide the blood. The only reason I know that is my blood has been spilled on this flooring before.

I look in the mirror and standing in front of me is a broken yet strong female. doesn't help the mirror was broken either. I look closely and almost feel pity for myself. My eyes are as cold as a stone and my body weight has dropped dramatically due to Jace thinking I need to lose weight. Hah, What a bitch. "What happened to you?" My hair is straight filled with different products my face is caked up with makeup and my dress is well, reveling and slutish. It was a deep satin dress that barely covered my ass and the black jewels match the ring on my finger, we figured out the ring was a tracker and when I arrived they took the tracker out. Stupid ass people thought it was smart to take the tracker out. I guess it kind of work, I'm so malnourished that if I tried to run, I would pass out. This is not me, what has happened to the girls whose eyes were filled with joy but only to be replaced with sadness and grief.

"Yah Bitch hurry up" Oh yeah, another reason why I can't run is that they gave me a bodyguard. They don't trust me enough to be walking in the house alone, man has times changed. I open the door and the bulky pan with tattoos and a clean shaved head. The man grabs my arm roughly that I'm sure it will leave a bruise. "Ehy take it easy big boy don't want to break me," I say with a slight smirk, I mean if I'm gonna die and be married to a fool might as well give attitude when going out. I loom up and the guys didn't respond only tighten his grip on me making my face twist in pain.

We walk down until we reach a door at the end of the hall. Its the door to the backyard and there I see Jace in a tux and my father dressed as a priest. Man does this look fucked up in so many ways. The man pushes me to Jace and he is quick to react by holding my arm. Behind us are people in mask and to be exact is 14, some had hats and while others didn't. I looked at some of the group and I don't know if it really happened but I think one winked. "Y/n !" My father yells and brings my attention to him,

"Y/n do you accept this fine wealthy man" I stopped and gave this man a weird look mix with confusion and wtf. DOes he want to date Jace or something? Like, have him if you want him. Eww, imagine them Doing it. "In life and death" Wow that was quick, I must have spaced out, I mean imagine them dating would be gross, not the fact that there males but age. My father is 60 while Jace is 24, Ugghhjjh gross. I feel a shiver as Jace's hands tighten while his other hand slaps my thigh forcing me to slowly nod my head until a gunshot is heard. "Hyung you missed with your clumsy ass" J-Jungkook? "Boy mind your language!" Jin! I look back at my stunned father and smirk. "FIRE!" I yell and the boys show their true selves. I know this is probably the weird fight but in the end, the looks on the boy's face were terrifying. I didn't notice before but all their eyes held a fiery red. "Y/n" Jace tugs my arm and spins me until I'm trapped in his arms. Jaces kisses my neck as if it was his last meal.

My hands fly up to him on the head and step on him with my heels. Before I could even kick him in the baby maker he tightens his grip forcing me to stop. Namjoon noticed and started to prowl towards us. The rest of the guys are basically eating the bones of the fallen people. Namjoon wolf slowly walks before he let out a furious growl.

"DOnt takes a step closer buddy or she gets it" Jace yells and then pulls out a knife from his pocket and held it up to my neck. "What The FUCk JAce, I have been through HEll and you still try to have me you Fucking Physco!" I yell and the look in return was murderes. Namjoon and the others growl and pace towards us more until they stop. Wait where is Yoongi. "I will not let my fucking bride go "Jace whispers with his hot onion breath in my ear and the next thing I hear is a bang and the cold feeling of the knife slashing my neck. Jace falls dead and my hands fly up to my neck. I turn around and see Yoongi holding a gun and the through it on the ground standing with his all and holy pride out.

"Yoongi h-help" and then I saw nothing but cold darkness.

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