Chapter 3: The Next Day

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I was woken up by my grandmother the next morning. I groaned and kept my arms under the covers until she left.

After she went out to the living room I grabbed some fresh clothes and the sweater I wear every day and sneak into the bathroom to take a shower.

I close the door and lock it before stripping from my clothes. I do a body check in the mirror, my ribs were beginning to show along with my hip bones and collarbones. I smiled a little, happy I had made progress.

I stepped in the shower and winced as the water hit the cuts from last night. It stung. I pulled through it long enough to quickly wash my hair and body, avoiding the cuts of course, before stepping out and drying off.

I pulled on the clothes and sweater before walking back into my room. I grab my backpack and sigh as I quickly sneak through the living room and out the door quickly before I'm forced to eat breakfast. I succeed and begin walking towards school.

I remember what happened yesterday and how eren said he'd talk to me more today. I'm not sure why but for some reason I'm, excited. Maybe we'll become friends. No, who would want to be friends with someone like me? It's probably just some big prank jean, Connie, and Ymir set up to embarrass me. God I hate them, but not as much as I hate myself.

I walk into the parking lot and hear snickers from the early arriving stoners as I walk by. I bite my lip and try to ignore them as I enter the building.

I am early so I should have time to get my books and everything before everyone else shows up.

I walk over to my locker and look around cautiously before opening it. I quickly get what I need and head to class.

The teacher had just arrived, he smiled at me and started to prepare for class.

I sit down in the desk closest to the door so I can escape easily after class ends.

I sigh and pull out my homework from last night and put it on my desk so the teacher could check it before pulling out a book and beginning to read.

Students began filing in, each one staring and giggling. I tried hard to ignore them.

Class started a few minutes later and I put away my book to begin listening to the lecture.

( Authors note: Sorry the chapter's kind of short, I've been busy with school this week so I haven't had a lot of time to write. Anyways are you guys liking the story so far? Hope so, anyways, I'll update again next week! ~Alaska )

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