Chapter 16

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~Patton's PoV~

Trigger warning: panic attacks, self harm, suicide thoughts, faint abuse, heavy angst

For this chapter just to clarify if a paragraph or more is fully in italics it's a flashback and not a thought (excluding the bold italics)

Patton felt like a huge brick of darkness slammed onto him as he fell limp in the chair. The dark voice wasn't a whisper anymore. It's screaming inside his head blocking out his other thoughts. Even the ones he thought he left behind.

They all think you're pathetic, you know? Do you realize how useless and embarrassing you are to be around? NO ONE DESERVES TO HELP YOU. NO ONE SHOULD SEE YOU CRY PATHETICALLY ALONE IN YOUR ROOM AT NIGHT WHILE EVERYONES ASLEEP.

So sad, isn't it? Sobbing and looking like a mess. You shouldn't feel better at all. You have all that smooth skin on your wrists. Why not ruin it as well?


Pathetic, useless, immature selfish brat. You don't deserve anything the others give you. They're probably just pitying you too. You don't deserve anything. You don't deserve to live.

They won't miss you, you know. After a few days they'll forget you even existed...

Not only his emotional fears. His phobia was overwhelming him and he felt as if hundreds of those insects were crawling around his body.

Patton swore he could see the gleam of beady eyes and feel the legs of the arachnids crawling on him. He sobbed, his breathing fast and ragged trying to clear his mind but to no avail.

He got a faint glimpse of Phoebus's smirking face looking down at him.

"Are you going to listen now?" He asked.

Weak. Useless.

"How far do I have to push you to understand?"

Stupid. Ridiculous.

"Just do as I say."

What would Virgil do if he saw you now?


Patton inhaled shakily and focused on Phoebus's blurry shape. He'd laugh at how pathetic you look.

"No." Patton hissed. A second later he felt Phoebus's foot in his chest and the chair he was in toppled over.

He couldn't breath. His lungs ached, his head hurt, his arm and thigh felt like they were on fire. His vision was blurry and he felt pain on his other arm as it got cut by shards of glass Phoebus slammed angrily down.



Virgil's scared face. "Watch out for the jars. Don't let them destroy you."

Pathetic and weak. A waste of air. Who would want you? Virgil's probably embarrassed whenever he's around you.

Patton rested his head in the crook of Virgil's neck as the watched the movie together. Patton looked up and saw him smiling down at him as he gently brushed a strand of hair away from his eyes.

He never truly did love you.

Patton and Virgil laughed as they collapsed on the floor of his room. Patton had decided to tickle Virgil, who in return tickled back which broke into a full on war. Virgil hovered over Patton, using his elbows to hold himself up. Patton lifted up his head and kissed Virgil.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too..."

You're a complete disappointment in his eyes.

Patton and Virgil sat outside together in the rain. It was a light drizzle and Virgil was showing Patton his love of the rain and how calming it is. He was slightly cold but Virgil's warm hand held his, making it ok. The rhythmic beat of the raindrops on the ground was soothing and Patton felt safe; in the rain with Virgil by his side.

"Don't let them destroy you."

Such a childish humiliating person to be around.

Patton gritted his teeth and he wriggled his wrists, trying to break free from the ropes tying him down. They were worn out by his previous struggles and have started to loosen. They finally got pulled free and he kicked his legs around trying to break them free as well. Luckily the ropes there were tied much more loosely.

Phoebus was furious and he marched over to Patton who stood shakily.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" His fists clenched furiously. He had a murderous look in his eyes.

"You know what, fine." He said suddenly, his voice dropped and he was speaking frighteningly calmly. "I didn't need you. But I can't and won't have you staying here any longer."

Phoebus pulled out a knife, this one bigger and much more deadlier. 

Patton didn't take his eyes off of Phoebus. Goodbye, Virgil. I love you...

Phoebus grabbed Patton's shoulder roughly, holding him in place. He lifted up his arm and Patton closed his eyes, waiting for the pain.

"STOP!" A loud voice screamed. It was louder than any normal person could shout. The voice echoed around the room and it made the ground vibrate.

Phoebus stumbled and fell onto his side, shocked. Patton fell onto his knees, cracking open an eye, trying to focus on the blurry figure.

The person had messy hair hanging over his eyes and wore dark clothes with purple patches.

"Virgil...?" Patton whispered. His head was pounding and the pain was starting to become unbearable.

"PATTON!" Virgil cried. Patton collapsed on the ground. He wanted to stay awake but dark spots were filling his vision and the room seemed to be getting dimmer.

He held onto his consciousness for so long and he just was too tired to stay awake any longer.

Patton saw Virgil run to him as the world faded to black and he collapsed, the pain finally going away.

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