Chapter 1

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Shit... Shit....Shit.

I need to get out of here NOW!

Run... Where to run ...where to hide.....

I ran to the children's park, where I knew he wouldn't follow me.....or so I thought. I heard the screeching of tires and the slamming of a car door, echo throughout the park. Bollox ! I franticly searched for somewhere to hide.

There, behind the swings was a bush high enough and just wide enough to hide me kneeling down.

"Gemma.... Come on, Gem ... Come here....Now", my now ex-boyfriend, yelled. He, apparently, wanted to 'talk' but who talks with a gun in their hand.

" .. GEMMA.... Come out, come out.... GEMMA..." I could see him walking around the playground searching the tree line for anything that would give away my position.

"LEAVE ME ALONE, KYLE." I screamed, beginning to panic. The Sun was slowly dipping down below the horizon, I glanced at my watch... 5 o'clock. The park was completely empty, not even a few straggling joggers or dog walkers.

Shit! Shit! Shit! I'm alone with a gun welding psycho.


God help me now.

"Come on, Gem. I just want to talk".

"Then put the gun down".

"Fine", He slowly took out the gun and set it on the floor, then stepped away while raising his hands in surrender. I cautiously stood from my crouched position and moved around the brush.

"What do you want? We're over, Kyle! I don't want to be with you".

I honestly don't know why I didn't get rid of this abusive bastard a month ago when he first started the whole trying to control me shit , but I guess it took a him hitting me and leaving me with a black eye and a busted lip to knock some sense in to me. I didn't want anything to do with this ass.

"It takes two to end a relationship, Gem. You're still my woman," he said possessively. I could feel my anger boil as I walked up to him.

"Your right...I still love you", I plastered on a fake smile and hugged him.

"I just don't like it when you hit me.....I l-love you, why do you hit me?"I added a few fake sobs to make it sound like I was crying. He stroked my arms, softly.

"I'm sorry I hurt you, princess," he said kissing my cheek. I slowly pulled away from him keeping my head down to hide my smile, purposely dropping my bracelet. As I bent to pick it up, I grabbed the gun, lucky it was dark enough to hide my actions as I tucked the gun into the waisted my jeans. I then wrapped my arms around him again putting my head on his chest, making it look like I was breathing him in.

"You smell good"

I could tell he was smiling, he always did love complements. Kyle placed his fingers under my chin and lifted until I was looking him in the eyes. He bent his head to kissed me, I forced myself to kiss him back. I held back the bile rising in my throat as he started to grope me. While he wasn't paying attention I slowly and carefully pulled the gun from my waistband and pressed it against his temple.

"Get your abusive lips and hands off me...NOW". The anger and disgust I felt was mirrored in my tone. He let go of me and put his hands up in surrender.

"Gemma said you loved me," his face showed nothing but shock and anger. I shook my head.

"Love? ..No you must be mistaken...I HATE YOU". I yelled at the top of my lungs, "I HATE YOU! I NEVER LOVED YOU !! WHY SHOULD I LOVE SOME ONE WHO HITS THE PERSON THEY'RE SUPPOSE TO LOVE?"

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