Chapter 4: Taking Shelter

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Me and Elizabeth sat down on the grass after about three or four hours of walking. I stared off into the distance as she talked.

I didn't hear what she said. I was busy, busy thinking. A million thoughts raced through my mind, but I only focused on one. The plan.

"(Y/N)...(Y/N)," Elizabeth called loudly getting my attention as she waved her hand infront of my face.

"Wha- oh.. yeah, Elizabeth," I said looking at her as my mind cleared.

"Is everything ok?" she asked as she sounded as if she was sort of worried.

"Yeah. Everythings fine... I was just thinking."

"Oh...I see. What was you thinking about?"

"Well...Wha- What if it was the wrong decision for us to run away?" I said rather quickly and worried.

"I was wondering the same thing actually..." she told me and she sounded worried as well. "I mean it would be ok if you went back home. Sir Arthur would understand. He seems cool... My father would never understand."

"Actually you're wrong... Arthur is cool around other people but not so much around me. It's like everything is on a schedule with him. When he has business meeting or has to talk with another royal family I always have to listen or go to a specific room of his choice. I mean I know how he. He's way overprotective," I said laughing.

"Now that I'm thinking of it I don't think we made the wrong decision to be honest," she said calmly smiling.

"Okay then. Lets continue on our journey!" I yelled rather loudly as I stood up and pointed in a random direction. "Tomorrow," I finished as I plopped down beside Elizabeth.

"Lets get some rest," Elizabeth said. "Are we going to sleep right here?"

"Yeah," I said as I sat on a nearby boulder. "The weather looks fine." Then, something hit my head. I threw a rock at the sky. "No!" I scolded the sky. Then it started to pour down rain.

"Run!" Elizabeth yelled as she ran quickly. We couldn't really afford to be sick right now so I followed her.

"Fuck you Mother Nature!"

We ran for a while minutes before we came across a cave, and that cave is where we slept for the night.


Hey peoples. So this is shit but ya know. whatever. Its cool.

And I didn't get to update last night like I said I would because I went ice skating. Then, we rented a shitty hotel and they had horrible internet. I'm also in a lot of pain cause I fell a lot and hurt my ankle pretty bad but I still updated so '

byeeeeeeeeee <3

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