Chapter 14: The Mirror

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I reluctantly opened my eyes and realized that I had fell asleep on the bar with Elizabeth and Meliodas were on either side of me. Harlequin was on the floor, and he was laying on chiestifol. 

Then, I heard a loud yelling. It sounded as if it was coming from upstairs. I decided to follow the yelling. I walk upstairs kinda on edge. I mean who wouldn't be when you wake up hearing someone scream.

"DON'T COPY ME!!!!!" Ban screamed as he slammed his fist in the mirror. This caused his hand to start pouring blood, but he seemed unaffected.

"Ban? You're drunk, aren't you?" I asked laughing.

He turned looking at me with anger in his eyes. Then, he ran quickly towards me. I honestly thought he was gonna do something to me, but instead he just ran towards a mirror behind me.

"GODDAMNT! I SAID, DO NOT FUCKING COPY ME!!!!!!" Ban yelled so loud me ears started ringing slightly. He's really giving me a headache. He threw his fist into the wall quickly and once again broke the mirror.

This time, he used his other hand, so it was pouring blood as well. Also, there is a lot of small chucks of broken glass all over the floor. Great...

Then, I heard footsteps approaching behind me. I turned to see Meliodas running towards me. He sure can run up stairs fast.

"Ban's drunk again.." He said as he started laughing slight at Ban yelling about being "Goddess of the mirrors."

"Noooooo I'm not... Theres is manys imposters in this places~" he slurred.

After that me and Meliodas just decided to walk down the stairs, and let Ban break the mirrors till he passed out.

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