Chapter 1

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The Meet Up

Adrien Agreste was not a sociable kitty.

The researchers tried everything. They forced him into a room with other CDIPs, or Cat-DNA-Infused-Persons, and he ignored every friendly meow. They pushed him to mate with a particularly attractive feline named Chloe Bourgeois, and the result was a deep scratch marring Chloe's formerly pretty face. They threw him into a cat's paradise, filled with endless balls of yarn and toys beyond imagination, and were baffled when he refused to play with anything that touched a researcher's hands.

Things were getting dire. Adrien was reaching the end of his critical period of socialization. He turned his cat-eared head away from all beings, whether human or kitty. At this rate, Adrien would display nasty behavior to any organism for as long as he lived. The researchers began to sweat severely; their boss would be the opposite of pleased with a failed subject, especially this far into the experiment. If worst came to worst, they would have to euthanize the cat-human, which would be a waste of the CDIP's excellent gene pool and the millions of dollars put into the hybrid's painstaking care.

As a last-ditch effort, the researchers introduced every type of animal-human they possibly could to Adrien, hoping for some form of interaction. All they received for their hundreds of manipulated meetings were hostile hisses and multiple swear words directed toward the one-way observation glass. Scientist Caline Bustier, head of Adrien's troublesome case, groaned into her hands. Her boss threatened to fire her tonight if she couldn't solve the kitty's issue with friends, and judging by the previous researchers of Adrien departing left and right, her boss wouldn't hesitate for a second to do so.

"Bring in LBIP Subject 912015," Bustier tiredly muttered. Maybe she'd grab a coffee on the way home after she inevitably lost her job.

Quickly, a burly gorilla-human shoved a dainty slip of a girl into the observation room. The antennae above her pigtails twitched painfully as she clumsily landed on her butt. Looking around frantically, the girl seemed to skitter about while trying to find an exit, and finding none, she pleaded desperately in front of the locked door she entered from before.

"Wait, please! You have to let me out!" the blue-haired girl begged, while she pounded at the door with her tiny fists. Caline Bustier's eyebrows rose. This was a first.

Usually, the subjects in the facility were almost completely compliant with the researchers' demands. The conditions in which the animal-humans were raised were ideal for their species. Moreover, they've heard of the few punishments inflicted upon resistant animal-humans, and anybody's willpower would be crushed at seeing their fellow animal-humans disciplined in their animal-specific ways. Of course, the subjects were never killed through these punishments, but they were unpleasant enough to be avoided by the animal-humans at all times. Dog-humans would be given cones of shame, cat-humans would be left out in the rain, affectionate animal-humans would be isolated, etc. Thus, the subjects generally did what they were directed and went where they needed to go.

Researcher Bustier grimaced and made a small note on her chart. It looked as if Subject 912015, a Marinette Dupain-Cheng, required a night in the cold to stay in line. Caline sighed sadly. She hated punishing the animal-humans, but it was part of her job description. Actually, the way things were going, it was going to be part of her previous job description. Realizing this fact, Bustier paused for a moment. Then, she crossed out the punishment entirely. If she was going to be fired anyways, might as well save the young ladybug from a horrifying experience. A small sniffling soon jolted Mme. Bustier out of her thoughts.

Marinette's pretty bluebell eyes were filled with tears, and she continued to pound at the door for all she was worth. "Please! He'll... he'll eat a bug like me! The others are all terrified of the Ch... Chat Noir! Th... those scratches! Please! Let me go!"

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