Chapter 22

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I never knew our conversation would go this far..

I sighed, those words of his struck into me also. Why do I have to act like this? Like nothing had happened when it clearly shows that my heart is hurting because Yoongi hyung had her now.

Another unrequited love that had happened to me again.

"Doing your own stupidity again."

I clenched my jaw tightly, how dare he? Of course, one of us had to make a choice in our life in order to stop ourselves from hurting. Is it a mistake that they made my fate like this? It's not my fault that I'm hopeless in romance.

"Oh.. What are you doing here late at night?" Seohyun's voice stopped me from walking.

Thump.. Thump..

Goes my heart.

"A-ah.. I just took a midnight stroll.. What about you, noona?" I asked facing her. "Yoongi is throwing tantrums, that's why I went out.." She replied frowning, but the glint of mischief can be seen in her eyes. "Is that so?" I asked wide-eyed and peered over their door.

"I'm not!" A voice came from the inside which made her laugh a little.

"Ne." She nodded and smiled lightly. "You should go to sleep now." She added glancing inside their room. "Arasseo. Goodnight noona!" I said and unconciously formed my hands into a heart shape.

I want to be your oppa. But how would I able to do it if you're older than me?

"If it needs for me to get them back together, I will do it."

I, Jeon Jungkook will do anything to make her happy.

Even if it means that I am risking my love for her.

"Jungkook-ah, hwaiting!" I smiled and held my fist up in the air.


Currently, all of us are in a van at this moment. Heading back, the hyungs are complaining and whining that they still wanted to stay.

Hoseok stealing glances at me, sometimes giving me a death glare earlier. Seohyun is asleep and her head was resting on Yoongi's shoulder. Mostly, everyone in here are sleeping except for me, Yoongi, and Jin hyung. Jin is the one who is driving the van.

"Hyung.." I spoke out, clearing out the quiet atmostphere inside the van. "Ne Jungkook-ah?" He said putting away his phone and fixed Seohyun's position and placed her head on his lap. "Please promise me that you'll never hurt Seohyun noona?" I told him and he smiled nodding.

"I won't. But why did you asked that?" He asked, his hands ran through her hair and played with it. "She's just that important to me. You know like she's my older sister?" I lied at the last words.

"Don't worry. I will do my best to not to hurt her and protect her. Why? Because she's the one.."

Ok, those words literally hurt me.

They already found each other and I can't do anything with it now.

"Kamsahamnida, hyung."

"You always set the one you love free. And let her escape away from you." My mind said to me.

I have to leave.. Just for a year so I can forget about her.

"What did you first think of her when the both of you met? And what did you love about her?" I asked out of the blue. My mind can't seem to stop from pestering me, telling me this questions and that questions. It's confusing me.

"At first I thought that she is annoying and childish. But I didn't knew that those traits of her will make me fall for her. Heck I even miss those those expression she always make when she sees me. She has many charms that is hidden, those charms that will make any man fall for her if she wants to. She's like a spellcaster that will cast a spell and a curse upon you. A spell which will make you think of her every night and a curse that will make yourself fall into her traps. I don't know where I got the guts to confess my feelings for her," He paused looking at her tenderly.

Rain (A BTS Suga Fanfic) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now