Chapter 02

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"Looks like girls aren't bothering you anymore." Jin smirked looking at the pale guy across him, playing with his food in a bored way. "Yeah, the girls started to chase the new student." He said with his monotone voice.

"You mean him?" Namjoon pointed out, Sehun making his way to a empty table with Seohyun. "Ne." He muttered staring at him blankly "Hmm, who's the girl that was sitting next to him?" Hoseok said.

"They're twins." Jimin chimed in the conversation "Now I am even more interested on knowing them." Ho Seok laughed. He was a funny and friendly guy to every student's eyes. "Would you please shut up on talking about them?" Yoongi snapped a bit pissed off.

"Whoa hyung calm down, what crawled up and bit your pants today?" Taehyung said. "It's nothing serious." He simply said before eating his food again. "Hyung is always like that.." Jungkook pouted, the others nodding in agreement.

"Well we can't blame him for being like that.." Jin sighed heavily "I'm here you know." He said rolling his eyes. "Nevermind." He muttered when none of them responded back to him.


"When are you going to call me oppa." Sehun groaned out "And why should I?" She spoke smiling. "I'm older than you." He said narrowing his eyes at his twin.

"By 2 minutes." She scoffed before taking a bite on her sandwich "But fine, I guess it's fair." She added.

"Oppa.." She tugged the sleeve of his shirt "What?" He said turning his attention to her. "Nothing, just wanted to make sure that you're not dead yet." She smiled, a glint of mischief was shown in her eyes.

"Why are you even my twin.." A low grunt escaped past his lips "Aw, don't tell me you're staring at that girl." She began to tease him. "I was just spacing out." He closed his eyes in embarassment.

"Don't lie to your twin, come on i'll help you on courting her." She winked at him, which cause his face to get warm suddenly. "Since when did you became an expert when it comes to love?" Sehun raised his eyesbrows, ignoring the slight pink blush that was tinted on his cheeks.

"I'm a girl obviously, so I know on what we like when it comes to romance." She rolled her eyes and slapped his hand lightly. "So what's the lucky girl's name?" She widened her eyes and rubbed both of her palms together.

"I haven't introduced myself to her yet." He murmured in a low voice "YET." She mocked him. "Come on, let's go." Sehun said dragging her away from the table, not wanting to get embarassed by his twin again.

"Yo, I can walk." She said smiling gleefully and yanked her wrist away. "Aish, biology is next.." She sighed heavily "Afraid that you'll fail?" He smirked while they were walking.

"Yes, got a pro- ah!" She exclaimed tripping on someone's shoes and fell down scraping her knees. "Oh gosh." She whispered standing up and leaned against a wall to support her.

"Gwenchana?" Sehun rushed to her side, looking concern. "Ne." She smiled weakly, slightly wincing from the pain that was stinging continuously. "Come on, i'll bring you to the clinic to get you fixed up." He said taking her arm and placed it around his shoulder. Not minding to get in a fight with that guy.

She only nodded and began to walk away, not after taking one glance at the guy whom she tripped into.

'Min Yoongi..' She thought as he stared back at her, feeling her heart skipped a beat.


A quick update ^_^


Rain (A BTS Suga Fanfic) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now