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The bitter chill snapped my hair back as I walk down the snow covered street. Seeking warmth I burrowed deeper in my coat and start to jog. Knowing me, it's probably not a wise idea to do so, seeing how clumsy I am. But I'm stubborn and jog across the slick road when the light is red. 

Once I cross the street I check the time on my phone. 5:52. Great, I think, I'm already late. I always am. My friends joke around with me saying I'll be late to my own funeral. And they're probably right. The only place I'm on time to is class. And I hardly make it on time for that. My teachers always give me the evil eye, when I hussle across the room right on the bell.

I'm not really sure why I'm always late. I don't usually stand in the hallway and talk. Maybe I just walk really slow. Alice, my best friend, says that I think too much which makes me slow physically. She's probably right. I think too much, which is most likey the reason I have hardly gotten any sleep the past two nights.

  I lay in bed going over science terms and algebraic expressions. Tons of test are going on before the end of first semester. I have to keep my grades up if I want a good scholarship. And to be honest, I'm not a genius. I have to study hard to make good grades unlike Drew, who is probably wondering where the hell I am.

Shifting my dark green bag on my shoulder, I swing open the coffee shop door. The smell of fresh coffee is so overwhelming that I have to take a deep breath in before I shut the door. I scan the shop for Drew. He's no where in sight. Taking a seat at an empty table in the back, I dump all my notes onto the table. While I wait, I engross myself into pythagorean theorem.

I jump when I hear a voice ask me.   " Ma'am? Could I get you something?" It's a tall black man dressed in a white shirt and black pants.

"Oh, yes!" I say to him. He has kind gentle dark brown eyes. "A hot chocolate, please."

He nods and says a quiet welcome. A few moments later Drew swings into the seat beside me and pecks me on the cheek. I smile and he pokes my dimples, laughing.

I've been dating him for a  month now, but it's still nothing serious. I don't know why I don't dump him. I mean, I don't have a good reason to do so.  He's a nice guy, sweet, good looking - but I'm not really into him. Not into any guys for that matter.

"Your late, for once." I say to him smiling. He makes me happy but not in a way a boyfriend should. More as a good friend.

He rolls his blue-green eyes and says, "Actually, I'm not. I told you 5:45 because I knew you'd be late." He runs a hand through his dark brown hair shaking the snow out.

I shake my head, smiling. Of course he'd do that. It doesn't bother me really. I'd feel bad if I was 15 minutes late, but he gave me a head start. The man who took my order came back with a steaming cup of hot chocolate. I thanked him and he nodded once more and walked away.

I took a tentive sip and swished it in my mouth before I swallowed. The chocolate  flooded my mouth with a sweet refreshing taste. I always loved hot chocolate, my grandmother made the best.

" So what are we studying?" Drew ask taking off his coat. He wears a dark red long sleeved shirt with three black buttons, two open that compliments his slim figure. He really is good looking. I look away covering my blush.

He notices. "Your chewing your lip, Ariel. Whatcha thinkin'?"

Idiot, I scold myself, blushing is cute. Chewing on your stupid lip is not!

"Ah, nothing. Algebra."  I say looking mindlessly through my papers.

"Ariel," He says softly brushing back a lock of my auburn hair. I look at him with innocent eyes. I'm stunned by the look on his face. His eyes so sincere and full of compassion. It freezes me in place. I feel like I can't breath its a look thats too good to be true but yet not. I can see the love in his eyes but I don't love him.

I blink a few times to clear my mind and ask him quietly, "Yes?"

He gestures to the door and says," Lets hang out."

"Drew," I say softly looking for an excuse, " we have a ton of test. I need to study."

He smiles and shakes his head at me. "Ariel, you make straight A's and study  twenty-four-seven. You need a night to relax and have fun. You'll do fine on the test." I started to object, that the only reason I have good grades is cause I work my ass off for them; but he didn't give me a chance. "Don't even start with me, Ariel. You know I'm right. C'mon lets go catch a movie or something."

I didn't really want to admit it but he was right. I hadn't had a night, in what seemed like forever, to just hang out. The last time I hung out was when I went on a double date with Alice, Drew, and Brandon; Alice's boyfriend of two years.

I stood up slowly and started gathering my notes and put them in my green bag. Drew helped me back into my coat and walked me to his car. Opening the red door for me, I slid into the black seat of his honda. I turned around in my seat and tossed my bag into the back while Drew started the honda.

Hot air blasted in my face drying my nose, I shut my vent. "Movies, dinner?" Drew questioned coming to a stop at a red light. The movie theater was just a few blocks away.


  "Anything you want too see?"

I really wasn't interested in seeing a movie and nor did I know of anything in theaters that I wanted to see. But I had heard Alice raving about seeing a new movie.

"Safe Haven?" I asked not really sure if that was the name or not. Drew nodded. He probably took that as asking if that was okay. It didn't matter, anyway.

Drew turned onto Main St. the road was slick with ice but it had been salted. He pushed the car to 25 and pressed the brake once we got to a light.

The car didn't slow. He pressed down harder again we were getting closer to the red light. Everything seemed to move in slow motion.

Drew's frantic eyes as he stomped on the brakes. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a white truck barreling down toward us. I screamed Drew's name. His honda kept sliding into the icy intersection.  Drew jerked the wheel to the left. It didn't help. I clung to the seat belt across my chest as it locked in place. Drew looked at me with a sudden wave of calmness that made me calm. I wasn't scared or worried anymore. Even though I knew what was going to happen, I was ready.

The white truck collided into my side of the car. The windows shattered. And for a split second I caught sight of Drew's arm being thrown over my chest before everything went black.

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