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"It's not morning yet" Namjoon says, giggling inside of the covers that are wrapped around you and him. He strokes the back of your neck to bother you and you laugh.

"I know joonie, it doesn't have to be morning for us to be awake." You turn around, facing him face to face, eye to eye, mouth to mouth.... The blanket covers his whole body and is wrapped around his head as so he looks like he's cold in an Igloo.

Your eyes flutter as you softly kiss his lips that are a taste of strawberries and warmth. He kisses back, soft and tender unwrapping his hands to cup your chin in his big delicate hands. He strokes your cheek with his thumb in pleasure. The kiss continues to be gentle but now with an underlaying in passion.

You part in shortens in breath and you both smile. Namjoon sits up in saying, "I have a plan stay right here."

He leaves the bedroom in a giggle with you wondering what he has up his sleeve. You lay there blushing, trying to figure out how you got this lucky. A couple minutes later he comes back with two cups with their distinct smells intertwining all across the room.

He sets down the cups on the desk and starts to tear the bed apart, "why what are you-".

"Sshh," he says, "you'll love it just hold on baby." He throws the pillows to the windows and opens the blinds to reveal a beautiful sunrise. He gets the cups and sits it on the window still and situates the under it. He asks you to sit with him and he looks out the window with you.

He hands you a blue mug and says "I remember you saying that you love mint tea so I bought some for you. I also put in some honey to help with your throat." You blush and your heart flutters.

He tries to point out the Big Dipper but y'all laugh, not knowing a thing about the star. You hold his hand and you take in this moment.

You whisper with your heart crying, "thank you for being my star Kim Namjoon, the love of my life"

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