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Well now that you know all about my sex life, let me tell you what I'm in to. I'm in a sorority so I spend a gross amount of time surrounded by 200 vaginas, so that doesn't help the 21 and virgin thing, but when I'm not doing philanthropic work, or wearing matching shirts with my girl gang. I spend time running around campus supporting all of our sports, reading too many books too quickly, and making memories that will last forever.

The other weekend a few of my sisters and I had just finished doing something for our chapter when we decided that we NEEDED movie night which lead to us finding a Family Video which is like a Blockbuster just different because Blockbuster's aren't a thing anymore and Family Video is. And let me tell you it was an experience. I lived every second of it. I like to think of myself as an amateur movie critic, but like so amateur that I tweet my opinions and I never receive a like or retweet BUT I STILL PUT THEM OUT THERE DON'T YOU WORRY. So here I am walking into a place which's sole job is to sell/rent movies and we are talking all of the greats like "John Tucker Must Die" and "Elosie at Christmas" so you already know I'm on the verge of peeing myself or crying (I know crazy how she is a virgin BY CHOICE). But like that trip gave me a lot to talk about for a week and I have wanted to go back ever since, but like I got other things to do.

Don't worry your hearts though because when I'm not needing out of pretty normal stuff I'm a cool kid. I go out to the local bars and drink and dance and have a good time, only Thursday-Saturday though. I know what you're thinking now, I do, TRUST me. You are like "wait that seems like a reasonable time to go out to the bars and drink. HOWEVER, my school is what people like to refer to as a "party school" I refer to it as a "work hard play hard school." You will find just as many people in the library as you will in the bars on $2 Tuesday (most likely more people in the library but still). People around here like to have fun is what I'm trying to say, I just chose to do it when I don't have many classes the next day, but if you think I missed the senior bar crawl this semester on Thursday you are wrong. Thursday's are where it's at you pay $5 cover you get a FREE shirt and get to play BINGO all night while drinking $3 drinks. That's what I live for, luckily my friends feel the same way. Next semester though when I'm taking scuba diving and other random classes to fill my time, the bar scene will most likely be different. I promise to update you though. 

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