Hoseok X Me crackfic i made on fanficmaker.com

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Meanwhile, Allies mind was wondered back to the past.
It was Hoseoks pool party party, which everyone was invited too.
The party was awesome as always, because Allie was hosting it.

Allie was pretty drunk that day.
If Allie was honest, She couldn't remember much that happened.
Only something about a spatula,a rabbi and a traffic cone.

There was one thing that stuck in Her mind though. Something She would never forget.
Hoseok was wearing a Rap Monster from BTS mask that night (it was a fancy dress party btw - A/N).
It was one of the most erotic costumes at the party.
Everyone had come as something or someone else.

Allie was dressed as Rap Monster from BTS.
And Rap Monster from BTS was dressed as a sussage.

Allie was instantly attracted to Hoseok in Him costume. The way He moved. The way He talked.The way He flicked His hair.
Hoseok was doing a Karaoke number.
It was "let it go". And He was awesome.
He sung like a true seductor.The audience was miasmarised by Hoseok.
Underwear was chucked at Hoseok.
Allie was soooo turned on.
(and She didn't need that underwear anyway)
Allie got up and sang too.
When Hoseok was singing let it go it was like the words spoke to Her. Hoseok seemed to be addressing each word of the song just to Her. The room faded away and it was just the two of them. No one else in the world.
They gazed into eachother eyes as Hoseok spoke the last lyric.
Then silence.

Suddenly, Allie was woken out of the flashback by the present
Allie, Taehyung and Hoseok were all sitting in their house that they owned one day.They had been doing that to keep The Lord and Savior Jesus H. Christ hormones under controll......

The next time they saw eachother Hoseok winked at Allie, remembering what happened at the party.Allie blushed.
Some of the others giggled. Did they know? Allie didn't care.
Allie and her friends were Reading Jung Hoseok Smut

They always enjoyed Reading Jung Hoseok Smut to relax when things were getting stressful.(Things were a bit stressed at the moment due to a unhappy love affair between Taehyung and The Lord and Savior Jesus H. Christ) They thought nothing Reading Jung Hoseok Smut all the time - it was just a way of life.
But things were different today.
Someone was watching them enjoy Reading Jung Hoseok Smut, and it was starting to get creepy.
"The creepy guy is creeping me out", said The Lord and Savior Jesus H. Christ.
"Yes, me too. Especially how he keeps licking his lips and stroking himself as he watches us"
Just then the man walked over too us.
"I am a talent scout"
"Owww...THAT explains it"
"Allie, I have been watching you while you did some Reading Jung Hoseok Smut. Your skilled. VERY skilled."
"Oh, yes, Allie is great at it" said THE LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS H. CHRIST.

"INDEED. maybe the greatest. Look at Allies body. Her buttock! Her foot! Her shoulder! Its like she is built for Reading Jung Hoseok Smut! Every aspect of her perfect physique built for that one divine purpose. "
"I thought she was built for loving!" said The Lord and Savior Jesus H. Christ
"I am thus going to officially invite Allie to the Reading Jung Hoseok Smut championship!" continued the talent scout.
He handed them a golden ticket.
"We are going to the championship!?" said The Lord and Savior Jesus H. Christ
"Yes, the ticket has a +1. And you both go straight to the final!"
"But you will be fighting against someone else that made it to the final...someone you know well....Rap Monster from BTS!"
"Then its settled" said Allie. "We go. We cant let Rap Monster from BTS win at anything. Even Reading Jung Hoseok Smut."

So they left for the stadium.

Before the contest, Allie and her friends decided to take a tour of the arena.
Aside from the normal restaurants and Reading Jung Hoseok Smut gift shops,and orgy rooms, there was also a museum. A museum dedicated to the history and art of Reading Jung Hoseok Smut.

As they had done the other stuff already, they decided to goto the museum.
Originally, Reading Jung Hoseok Smut wasn't that popular as a sport, but in recent years it had become the most popular sport in the world  due to the popularity of BTS. Some people missed other sports at first, but slowly it was just accepted that Reading Jung Hoseok Smut was the best sport on Earth.
They looked at the giant diorama of the first Reading Jung Hoseok Smut-ing contest. There was a button they could press and the animatronics would act out famous events in its history.

Hoseok X me Crackfic I made on fanficmaker.comWhere stories live. Discover now