Another Hoseok X Me crackfic i made on

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A/N: The following story is a sequel to
"Forbidden Passions of The Lord and Savior Jesus H. Christ"

It is essential for you to read that story first! I am fed up with people not "geting" my storys because they dont read all of them! If you cant be bothered to read ALL I have written you have no right to complain about anything or to critic my work!
Besides, that story is awesome and without reading it you will miss that moment with Yoongis  baby mama Taehyung and theGuiter!
In the darkness of that night, away from the preying eyes and ears of those who would judge, some strangers slipped by unnoticed.

But they were not strangers, they knew each-other. And they knew each-other much closer then any of their friends did realize.
They knew each-other both inside and out. But their friends did not know this. Their friends could not know. Their friends should not know this.
Nor could they know. Because it was night, and thus away from their viscous, judging eyeballs.

"Is it safe?" said the first stranger, who was not a stranger to the other stranger but will remain a stranger to us for the moment.

"I think so. Its dark so none of the others should see us here, even if they are nearby. I think our secret is safe."

"Good. I couldn't take their judgement right now. My life is too stressful as it is. If it wasn't for you I don't know what Id do."
"Don't worry Allie, I will always be here for you - waiting in the dark"
"Thanks, Hoseok. I will always be in the dark for you too"

With that the two shadows embraced - an embracement in the night full of passion and romance.
Allie woke up naked and very horny one winter tuesday....
For a moment time seemed to slowed down. Allie wondered why. Allie turned around slowly (due to the time seeming to have slowed down).
Then the explanation - Hoseok was secretly looking at her. Looking at her in that special way.
Allies soul lit up like a beacon in the night - even though it was day.

In all of this. In all of this mess. They had eachother, even if eachother was the only ones that knew.
Hoseok turned away at that moment - Time jumped back to normal as Allie was no longer transfixiated by Hoseok.
Fortunately no one else had noticed.
Allie was rescuing some bunch of flowers.
Suddenly he bumped into Yoongi.
"Whoa I didn't expect to see you here at your house."
"Yes I come here every monday."
Suddenly, there was a slow creepy, scary noise.He put his Sex in her Sex and they had Sex!
They stared deeply and lovingly at eachover .
But they bumped into a deep dark scary hole.
"oh no I have have been damaged " said Allie.
"I believe that hot twink,  Seokin is behind this!"
"I deduced as much myself did I"
"He is behind an mega evil scheme to dominate ourtown."
By finding a powerfull g-string of doom and fireing it at us.
"can we stop him?"
Yes, by finding the boxers of satan.
In the magical island , hidden in the mountings of bunny rabbits , opposite the stick of hell.

"Come now, Hero, we must find and seak our quest to do!"
"Indeed thee must hasten to hawk yonder!"
And with that they left
A/N I got bord of writing the fanfic as it was so I decided to change things around. I hope u guys like it!!

She was as of yet the most beautifyl thingy in the whole of Earth, Allie believed her to be. As she faigjt the great villianness that hot twink,  Seokin, her Big boppers bobbed up and down consistently like someone making love in a car. She swipped sexlyat the that hot twink,  Seokin and was more than anything Allie had seen before. Her beatiful feistful pressure shocked that hot twink,  Seokin's henchmen into copulating before her.

The Lord and Savior Jesus H. Christ, take my sword! said Allie, and give it to the greatness before us. She will need our legendary sword in order to defeat the great uber-that hot twink,  Seokin

And lo! The Lord and Savior Jesus H. Christ did so and the maginificent great mysterious woman took the sword and stabbed that hot twink,  Seokin.

He was defeated. But was that hot twink,  Seokin? Because as Allie ran towards the mysterious strange beauty of her draems and was about to share the greatest kiss she(and more) had ever given to someomne in the history of mankind, that hot twink,  Seokin rose up and fled!
Some time later in their secret hide-away ;

"I am glade we found a way to survive all that and still be together"
"Yes, our plan seems to have worked despite all the events"
"Do you think anyone spotted us?"
The Lord and Savior Jesus H. Christ emerged from the shadows of the darkness.
"I know everything" she said.
Allie and Hoseok gasped. Their secret was finally revealed!

"I dont love Hoseok like you do" said The Lord and Savior Jesus H. Christ "but I have always lusted a bit after them. So you see if Hoseok spends the night with me - I will never tell anyone."
Allie breathed a sigh of relief. That was, after all, a reasonable request. They agreed to the bargain.
"Phwee...thats something we can go along with" said Hoseok relieved.
The Lord and Savior Jesus H. Christ was happy, and Allie and Hoseok thus got to live happily ever after together. With no one but The Lord and Savior Jesus H. Christ and themselves ever knowing.
And this is where the story ends...

It has come... to my attention... that some readers... don't like my art. They say that it''s all anti-semetic (sxuz me, but jews are like that!) and racist (I had a black classmate in my class once and he was really stupid lol) and anatomicly impossible (FWHYI they all do Yoga, and thats totaly possible). That hurts me a lot. Really... a lot.
Do u know how long it takes me to write my stories? Do u think I like it being stuck at home with nothing to do but writing my soul into my art? My boyfriend broke up w/ me and I'm sad because of all the stupid Enlgihs assignments I got (who needz it anyways, I speak it lol)

Writing is the only thing that makes me happy, but if that isn't good enough for u people, then I'm going to call it quits!
Yes, that's righr! I won't finish this story! Suck it Internet! HAPPY NOW?!!!!

I want to thank QueenRickman34 and Pinkyjack for beta reading, but I... I... I... just can't take it anymore.
Farewell internet. I'll never trust you again!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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Hoseok X me Crackfic I made on fanficmaker.comWhere stories live. Discover now