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21. Imessages

Messages between Beth and Tom


hey Beth where ya been

Don't mean to spam but is all alright?

Hey Beth it's been two days no response just making sure all Is alright

Hey beth it's been a week...well it will be tomorrow but just checking in

hey beth it's been 2 weeks now still no response? Also I saw you were in London! Maybe we could meet up? I'm realizing how much i'm spamming and i'm sorry whoops lol

Hey beth, saw you just got home...umm, it's been about a little over a month just making sure all is still alright lol


Hey yeah... I'm back.


That's it??


I'm sorry...but what?


I mean you have been completely MIA off of the face of the internet and wouldn't answer my texts for over a month?



I'm sorry for not realizing that you wanted me to check in with you every second and tell you what's happening in my life when I don't even know, I've been so close to death for so long so I blocked everything I considered toxic and...I'm sorry but I considered you that


Sorry I haven't been on my phone much just trying to live my life I guess?


Sorry too...I've just been worried I guess?

Messages between Tom and Seb


Bro does Beth hate me?

She hasn't answered me in over a month and she finally texted me today and everything seemed so awkward.

Plus not to mention she sent one and I was only able to read the first couple words and then she deleted it? I don't know I I know I'm not

the bestest friends with her and maybe its not my problem to worry about but this just doesn't seem like her

Also the first couple words were something about her not realizing she had to check in with me every second...a very long message and then deleted it really quick and just said how she hasn't been on her phone much?


It's just been a weird 2 months don't think to much into it. I'd also leave her alone for a bit...Just some advice you don't gotta take it lol ig


ok...thanks seb


Yep np


Heyyy everyone..... sorry I've also been MIA from this book! I've been very busy lately and also didn't know people were very into this one glad people have been liking it.....A lot is about to go down so I'd keep a look out for the next update!

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