just so your aware....this is going to be a really long update hopefully as I haven't had a chance to in ages and there will be a fair amount of POV changes. sorry.....but enjoy :) x
hannahs pov
It was......Paige and a boy im guessing.......I dont know who he is or why he has paige pushed up against the wall in a very steamy make out session. I felt Brad tense his arms around ny waist but I have no clue as to why he would seen as he doesnt know paige all that well so he wont know the mystery boy either. soon he released his grip from around my waist. he walked over to the couple and cleared his throat loudly which made the two jump apart very quickly and look around. when the mystery boy looked closer at Brad he said "Brad....mate......what are you doing here?" I could see Brad eyeing him up. he replied " more to the point, what are you doing here James?" I see his name is James. James looked lile he was thinking about his choice of words carefully. "im here with my girl........my friend paige" he said rather uneasily. Brad had a hard stare on James but he suddenly burst into laughter. James made a rather small weak laugh then stopped and looked at Brad in confusion. "mate im joking with you. I dont care what your doing as long as you dont hurt her!" Brad looked at me and said "Hannah this is James. James this is Hannah. James is in The Vamps with me!" Brad smiled at me after he finished his introduction. I smiled almost as big as his infection smile and shook hands with James. I looked at brad and said "Brad why dont you go and take James into the living room and watch football of something while I go and catch up with Paige. we'll come back once we've finished, okay?" Brad nodded his head and replied "Okay babe!" just as I was about to grab Paige and walk away Brad grabbed my wrist spun me round and kissed me on the lips. when we pulled back I was blushing like crazy while he smirked and said "dont be long babe ill miss you too much!" I blushed an even deeper shade of red before nodding and rushing out of the room with Paige hot on my heels.
paige' pov
as I practically had to run after hannah to keep up with her we finally reached mine and zaras room. hannah knocked on and walked in. I went to sit on my bed and hannah sat next to me. zara turned to paige and said one word "spill!" hannah looked at me too and I knew I had to tell them everything. "well" I started "remember a few years ago when we went to that festival and the vamps were there and after they came off I disappeared for about an hour?" both zara and hannah nodded simultaneously so I carried on. "well during the performance James looked at me and kinda signaled to me to go to the back of the stage. so I went just before their last song ended. he told the security guard to let me in and he hurried me into his dressing room tent thing. we literally just sat there talking and laughing for the whole hour he had left there until he had to leave. before he had to leave he put his number into my phone and I put mine into his. just as he was walking me out of the tent thing he kissed me and said he cant wait to hear from me!!!" both of hannah and zaras mouths were hanging wide open so I just carried on. "we have been texting ever since but the other day he asked me round to his place since he was back off tour so I took the opportunity and met up with him and we had an amazing time." "we laughed and talked and ate and watched movies and just cuddled and it was sooo much fun!" I had the biggest smile on my face after telling them coz I have kept it secrer for so long. suddenly I had an idea. "hey guys why dont we get brad and james to play truth or dare with us??" zara and hannah both nodded and we all ran to the living room. hannah blurted out "hey do you guys wanna play truth or dare with us???" and she s
gave brad a cheeky smirk. both boys nodded and we all sat on the floor in a circle. Bead started by asking James. "James truth or dare?" James replied "truth" Brad looked bored "boring but okay.....umm......how long had you like paige for? hmmm??" James looked to the floor and whispered "about a year and a half......" paige heard and blushed
James soon recovered and said "hannah truth or dare?" hannah had a devilish smirk on her face and confidently replied "dare." James looked gobsmacked but quickly said "I dare you to have a five minute make out sesh with Brad in the pantry in the kitchen!" hannah stood up and walked into the kitchen curtly followed by Brad. they came back 5 minutes looking rather dishevelled and messy haired. the game continues until we all got bored so we watched a movie. thats when we all heard the door slam.