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Hello readers! I've written this short story for a while but never posted it. Please leave comments I like to hear what you have to say!

I was walking swiftly down the dark path since that fool stole my car, I didn't know how I tripped nor did I know I needed my hands to break my fall. Just my luck I was on a charcoal road which had slivers of broken glass from a previous accident. I remember feeling dizzy and touching the back of my head where the excruciating pain was coming out of. I couldn't focus, falling into a dark abyss.

Not long ago spirits found a way to become alive again. This was fine with most people because it gave there loved ones another chance. Roaming souls which were cursed to walk the earth until Judgement day wanted a piece of life. The spirits took most of the "freshly" dead people, none left for the Roaming Souls. The souls took whatever was left....rotting corpses. They hated how disgusted everyone was to them. No one would even serve them dinner. Some of the corpses couldn't eat nor drink and died a second time. The souls sought out fresh meat. Humans. The souls began performomg some ritual to remove the spirit of the human and inhabit the body. This was terrifying to all people all over the earth. The government tried anything but you couldn't fight spirits.

The roaming souls were killing humans to take over there bodies. It happened over a few weeks, slowly but surely. It all of a sudden went completly catastrophic. Now demons were performing rituals overtaking planes and crashing them, crashing trains, cars and metro stations. Before long it wasn't safe to go anywhere. Even in your own house it wasn't safe. He people you thought were your loved ones could be the monsters you were deathly afraid of. They started this sort of game just inhabiting a human and moving on to the next, how many different lives can you end. How many humans can you change into.

It was sadistic.

The demons were cruel in the death they gave you. Sometimes they used poison or spiders. Nevertearing your body. It could be used for someone else. I remember when a group of them came into town. They had an evil aura around them. We would run and hide so they wouldn't find us. They caused destruction everywhere they went.

Spirits took my mother from me. I knew it was just a random spirit and that she died a peaceful death. It still stung anyway. She was so sick, she couldn't run nor hide anymore she told me to run and hide and stay as silent as possible. I did as I was told. I knew her and the rest of my loved ones were in heaven being free.

I was always paranoid they would find me. I barely slept, I had to be alert at all times. I learned how to hijack a car in less than 30 seconds. I always had my black backpack with a few changes of clothes, water and granola bars. There was no crying, no whining, just being alert and ready to run at all times. It took a toll on me emotionally. I wasn't close to anyone anymore because I was scared they would be taken away from me.

I was woken up by loud screams, I ran to a closet and shut the door, remaining as silent as possible. I saw 3 big men dragging in a dirty man and woman. She was screaming so loud, wailing "Please! Don't hurt us!" flailing her hands and feet, struggling to get out of the mans iron grip. The man told her to shut up or something bad would happen. She screamed louder and struggled harder. The man grabbed a handful of the girls auburn hair and pulled it right to the scalp. My heart was beating so loud I thought the men outside could hear. They were all laughing. Her face was of someone in pure shock. She didnt scream, or cry. She just stood there with watery blue eyes. The dirty man looked at the 3 men in horror, they were enjoying it!

I looked away not wanting to see anymore. After the dirty man's screaming died down, the men left muttering they need more people to have fun with.

Hey readers! Sorry for any spelling mistakes. I had to write this on my ipod. If there are any questions, please feel free to comment. Thanks for reading!


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