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Systems rebooting

Weapons check: Stable

Location Check: Earth, Europe, St-Guilhem-le-Désert, France

Body Temperature: Ninty eight point six degrees Fahrenheit

Time Zone: Ten twenty-two

Systems rebooted.

After the reboot, you found out where you guys were. You searched then looked back to Bucky. You smiled and started kissing his sleeping face.

"Babydoll, I'm trying to sleep," Bucky whined as he snuggled in closer.

"Yeah but I'm energized and ready to go!" You tried to get on top of him but was pulled back.

"No, sleep." He yawned.

He fell back to sleep, smiling as he put his face in your side. While petting his hair, you heard a knock at the door. Walking over to the door, you pulled out a gun from your black bag and slowly made your way. You listened for a second, trying to locate how many people were out there. You only heard one heartbeat. You looked through the peephole and saw the old man from the counter. Sighing out of relief, you put the gun in your pocket and opened the door.

"Uh, bonjour?" You hoped he spoke a little English.

"Bonjour, ou est ton petit ami?" He asked.

"Uh...?" You looked confused.

"The, eh, boyfriend?" He said it in broken English.

"Oh, James." You quickly went to Bucky and woke him up. "Buck, wake up, the old man from the counter is here."

"Okay." He sat up tired and stretched.

He put on a shirt and tried to be more awake so he could talk to this man. He walked out to talk to him outside the door. You decide to get dressed and put the gun on the bed. After a while, Bucky came in with two plates.

"Did you just go out there to get breakfast, without me?"  Your fake a hurt look.

"No, jeez. He brought us breakfast, and I think we should leave after eating." He said in an almost panic tone.

"What, why?" You got up.

"A man asked about you, he said that he knows that you are here."

"What does he look like?" You got up and took a plate.

He was about to tell when a knock came at the door. You grabbed the gun again and went to the door. When you listened, the sound of a heart sounded different from a human, but you knew it. You opened the door with a giant smile on your face.

"Morpheus!" You said happily

"Human bread!"

A dark man with completely white eyes. He wore a v-neck shirt that went down to above his belly button, exposing his toned chest and stomach. He wore a gray coat over his shirt and had black skinny jeans with combat boots on. He wore a black hat that had a big rim. He had long black fingernails. You gave him a big hug, he returned it.

"I knew I had your sent. Oh, you look very different. New eye I see. Who did this to you? I will rip them to shreds!" He held your face as he examines it.

"Don't worry your pretty head, Morph, I got my husband to do that for me."

"Husband?" He looked into the room and saw Bucky. "Hello, why aren't you a handsome human bread."

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