Venom/Eddie x hybrid reader part 2

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"Do not fear ussss" he said in a hiss

"Who are you?"I asked

He steps closer to me looking me dead in the eye

"We are venom." He said with a smile

Right after he said that a swarm of scientist came rushing in with weapons venom grabbed me and we took cover

"What do we do?" I asked
"Don't worry we have thisss." Right after he said that he leapt out and started killing all the dangerous scientists right and left

Not long after I joined in slashing them down one by one symbiont like Hands with claws I mean these were the bastards who kept locked in the cage of my life.

After about 10 minutes of fighting it was all over all the scientist were finally dead. A wave of relief washed over me as I fell to the ground and exhaustion, they couldn't hurt me anymore

I turned towards venom he had a kind smile on his face "don't worry you'll never have to spend another day in a cage again" he said offering his hand to help me up

I took it "thank you." I said with a smile

"What's your name anywaysss." He asked

"(Y/n)" I replied

"(Y/n)" He then transformed into his human host

" do you have any family or anyone who can help you?" He asked

"No you're the first person who I've ever met besides the scientists." I said looking down

" well then I think it's best if you come with us we can give you a place to stay for a while."

"Thank you" I said almost crying relief

Venom/ Eddie x hybrid reader Where stories live. Discover now