⚠️ Warning⚠️ : Strong Language, Dirty Humor, and A lot of Richie Tozier
Billie Eillish is known as the Psychopath of Derry, Maine. Billie and her sister, Melanie, have faced many tough situations but some how they always seem to cross those obstacl...
Things to Know: Proof Read, First Chapter{Part, chapter whichever you fancy}
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Ahhh Yes! Sunrise, Billie's favorite time of the day. Why? because at sunrise every day she was allowed to have a wonderful day at school. Yeah, No Billie hates school with a burning passion and as her mother always says "Not even chickens lay eggs at sunrise!"
But like any other morning, she had to get up from the bed and wake up Melanie. Why did she hate waking up Mel? Because Mel's room was all the way downstairs and let me tell you she had always hated that she, naturally, always woke up before Mel.
.*.Billie's POV.*.
I woke up to the sun beaming through my curtains. It was a beautiful view but at last, I had to go and wake up Mel.
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{Lets' Pretend That's Billie Insert Serious Face}
I got out of bed and saw my alarm clock said 6:00 o'clock I walked to my washroom and did my business, washed my teeth and then went downstairs to wake up Mel. I've learned that it's easier to wake up Mel when you have something she wants. I walked into her room and went to her bag I took out about $5.00 and put it under her nose. Within 10 seconds her eyes opened and she snatched the money from my hands and got up. "What are you doing?" "Waking you up. What else would I be doing?" I answered in a duh tone. "Get out I need to change" "Okay I'll get dressed as well," I told her. I walked out of her room and ran back upstairs and got dressed in this. {Outfit Below}