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It's been 24 hours and Junmyeon hasn't woke up yet. I stayed with him through the hours. Members, going in and out of the hospital.

"Noona, it wasn't your fault. The driver of that car was going so fast. He saved you." Chanyeol reassured.

"I'm a nurse but I hadn't even saved him at the spot. If I didn't stopped at the middle." I spat at myself. I feel disgusted at myself.

"Noona... "

"If I were careful. This wouldn't even happened in the first place. I-I'm sorry."I buried my face on my hands, I'm crying again. I couldn't feel anything except for guilt. I'm such a fool.

"Noona!" Kyungsoo snapped.

"The important thing is, hyung is alive. Hyung is breathing. Hyung is still with us. Please stop blaming yourself." He said.

"I'm really sorry." I started to kneel infront of them, I just couldn't get that grasp of guilt out of me.

"Noona, don't do that." Jongin crouched down and started to hug me and I cried harder.

"I-If I just agreed on going home, thi-thi-thi-"

"Noona, please stop crying now. We aren't mad at you. The entertainment is looking for the perpetrator who just hit and run hyung." Baekhyun said

"The car and the details of the car will help us, who that son of a bitch is."

"Come on Noona, to make us all feel a little better. I know hyung would say this but, he doesn't want you--want us to worry too much. Let's have lunch-"

"B-But who will take care of Junmyeon?"

"Don't worry noona. We'll be right back right away." I gave a defeated sigh and finally went with them.

The lunch was silent but as I expected none of them really ate that much.

Such a waste of food.

But Baekhyun ate, a lot. So I guess it wasn't as wasteful.

I looked at their faces, seeing how gloomy the aura is. I knew this affected the members, a lot also. I know that they hadn't expected this to happen. The boys defended me to their entertainment, trying to hide my identity to push away the obsessive fans from trying to kill me.

I sighed and looked at my food then the window from the outside. Looking at the cars that pass by, thinking that maybe one of those cars were the one who managed to hit Junmyeon with. I hope they'll find the person.

"(Y/n)" A voice came and snapped me out of my thoughts, I turned over and saw Yixing. We've never really talked that much since he was leaving most of the time, to China, as the others said. I looked into his eyes, I knew he was sad, sad for the fact that their leader was in the hospital.

"You should eat." He started.

"I-I'm not that much in the mood, Yixing.. W-with e-everything that's been happening, I-" I got cut off when he shoved the bulgogi infront of my face, I looked at him.

"Eat." I hesitantly looked at the meat and looked up in his eyes. Since I didn't got any choice, I ate it. He smiled. I ate the meat nonchalantly as the thought of it, it became tasteless.

"See?" I looked up at him, still chewing. "It's not that harming now, isn't it?" He tried a smile, as I forced myself to do so.

"Just eat, even just a little, okay?" I nodded as he continued to speak with the others, as I didn't listened actively as they conversed.

Just chewing makes me wanted to gag. Even if it goes down my throat, it felt like it wanted to go back up. It felt as my stomach didn't want to consume anything. I guess it's because of the guilt I'm still having. I know that the members aren't mad but I know, somewhere down there, deep inside them. They hated me.

"Come on, let's go back." I snapped out of my thoughts as I looked at the others. I just nodded at them and followed them back to the hospital.


"H-Hey." I started as they looked at me. I coughed.

"I'm just going to Hye In, I'll just catch up, okay?" I said as I bowed at them and quicly ran to the nurses room.

"I heard that EXO is in the hospital." One said.

"Yeah, I heard from others that Suho is here. He got hit by a car or something?"

"I thought they can't go out that much?"

"Or like they're protected or something."

"I guess Suho was taking a stroll?"

"Others said he with someone."

"is it a girlfriend?"

"We don't-"

"Hey." I jumped and looked to see Hye In.

"Listening to them won't work, come on." She puts an arm around my shoulder. "Let's go to Junmyeon." She said as we got out of the room.

As we were outside, we saw the others, rushing towards us. We stopped and I raised my eyebrow.

"N-noona! Don't go to hyungs room just quite yet." Sehun said.

"W-what?" I felt my heart race. Is he awake? Why are they stopping me?

"Ugh, we just need to talk to you about something." Jongdae said as he grabbed my hands and started walking towards the other direction. I shook my hands off of him and walked back a little.

"He's awake, isn't he?" I looked at him and Sehun who seemed to avoid my gaze.

"Yes, he is bu- NOONA." I didn't listened to them but just run to his room the other members noticed and called my name, I didn't noticed them and walked into the room.

"JUN......... myeon.....?" I felt my voice craked at the end from the moment I just saw... I'm feeling dizzy. Why?

"Excuse me." His voice started. "Who are you?" He looked at me.

"I-I'm sorry, t-to b-b-barge in just like that." My heart crashed into a million pieces. I stepped back a little, trying to surpass my tears. I was heading towards the door.

"Noo-" I pushed the members away as I went out of the room, trying to escape.

What did I just see?

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