Just A Dream

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Waking up was okay. I didn't really have a hangover since I only had a couple of beers, but not too bad.

Some people decided to stay over from the party last night because they couldn't drive. Most of them were inside the guest room.

I woke up in bed. I felt better, but still tired. I went to Emmy's room and she was sound asleep on her bed with her friend. I went over to her to kiss her on the forehead. It made me happy to see her with a smile on her face. I crept out of the room as slowly as I can to avoid making noises and shutting the door.

I went downstairs and let the dogs out and fed them. I saw Sarah on the couch, she must have had a terrible hangover.

I left a plate of food in the microwave for Sarah and left a cup of water and Advil for Sarah.

Emmy's friend Lily was awake. She was now leaving and couldn't make it to breakfast.

I went up stairs to wake up Emmy.


I rose up on my bed so fast.

Was it a dream? Was all this a dream?

Then right timing Brendon came into the room.

"Woah, are you okay? Why are you shaking?" He asked concerned. He then ran over to me.

"I'm good, and why are you running, you're weak!" I said.

"Huh, I'm weak. Are you sure you're okay?" He asked picking me up.

"Yes, you're weak. You have cancer" I said.

He looked at me confused and put me down.

"Okay, I should really get you to the doctors, and maybe check myself out too, because I'm sure I got no cancer. See look I'm fine." He said putting his hands up.

Then he started coughing and wheezing. "See you're lying, you do have it. It just the fact that you're just trying to hide it see." I said.

He shook his head. "Okay, I'll go to the doctor and check it out then okay." He said.

We went downstairs to eat breakfast and Sarah was there.

"Hey Emmy" she said. I gave her a wave.

"I'm gonna take Emmy for her check up and check on myself to see if Emmy's theory is correct." Brendon said.

"Okay, but what is the theory exactly??" She asked.

Geez she doesn't remember either, did they get brain wash or something. "That I have Cancer" he said.

"Alright, enough talking let's go to the doctors now, so that I can prove you guys wrong!" I said.


"So everything looks fine with Emmy." The doctor said that's good.

"And for Brendon, he does not have cancer, and we doubled check." He said.

Wait so that was not real then. So it was just a dream then.

"What about him coughing and wheezing?" I asked.

"Oh, he's just catching a cold" the doctor said.

Oh okay then. We walked out of the office and into the car.

"See, you believe me now??" Brendon asked. I nodded.


We went to go to Taco Bell and got lunch. We gotta get back home to clean up after the big party we had for Emmy last night.

Plus Christmas is in a few weeks. But we can pick our tree out tomorrow night or something like that.

We cleaned up a little bit. We started with the backyard. By picking up the trash and etc. we waited once it turned really cold and dark and went inside.

I decided to make some hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows in a mug. As we finished drinking that. We walked around the house cleaning again. First cleaning the kitchen, living room, dinning room, hallways, bathroom, guest rooms, and our rooms.

I helped Emmy put away her gifts in her room. Then helped Sarah put away her stuff since she now lives at our house.

Then fed the dogs and etc. and bathe them.

Once we got the dogs out of the bath to dry. They freaking shook their fur and now we are all soaked.

I chased the puppies out into the living room. Then we all hopped into the shower. And yess separate showers lmao.

After that we decided to get dressed in onesies and eat dinner then watch a Christmas movie together and drink and eat popcorn.

After an hour or so into the movie. Sarah is  leaned into me wrapped inside a blanket asleep. And well for Emmy she fell asleep on my lap while I played with her hair.

I can't believe she had the dream, that I had cancer. That was shocking and I was afraid. Maybe in the future I'll have it. Maybe not. So far we checked and did all testings and no sign of it.

I was taken out of my thought when the tv went onto commercial and started playing one of my songs. I sat there and listened to it humming it so I won't wake anyone up.

After that finished the movie returned. I turned the tv off revealing a dark room,but not too pitch black. I picked up Emmy and carried her up into her bed and tucked her in. Then kissing her forehead putting her to sleep.

After that, I picked up Sarah in a bridal style way and placed her on her side of my bed and jumped in bed and cuddled her. I felt myself drifting to sleep and I kept fighting it. Then the sleep took over.

Wow it took me a few days to write this. Welp I'm back at school from break and I want to go back on break. Anyways I'll try to write a bunch of chapter and get it done to update. Alright hope y'all enjoy and adios ✌🏼.Much love 😘

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