Is it really you

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4 years later


I woke up glaring at my phone. I felt the bed empty besides me.

"Babe?" I said aloud.

"Yes. I'm here." Sarah said from the kitchen I assumed.

I got up and put on my bath robe. I walked passed her room. I opened the door and sat in there. God it still smells like her. I miss her so so much.

"When are you ever coming back?" I asked aloud. It was silent like always. I got up and shut the door running downstairs to meet Sarah in the kitchen.

I was greeted by the puppies licking me. I picked both of them up squeezing the living out of them. I placed them back down. I went over to the coffee machine making my coffee.

"Go dammit, it doesn't want to work" I say. I start pounding on the machine, still nothing.

I sat down at my spot on the table.

"How are you feeling today?" Sarah asks.

"Fine." I say stuffing my face with food.

"That good." She says. I nod.

"Sarah, you know you can let it out. I can handle it. What's the matter huh?" I asked looking at her.

"Well, I wanted to see how you were doing. Today is h-h-hher birthday." She says.

"Yes, I know. I miss her very much too" I say.

"How about we get out of this place and take a walk at the beach for a day. I'm sure she doesn't want us mooping around all day because of her" I say. Sarah nods. We finish the rest of our breakfast. I take our plates to the sink and rinse them out placing them into the dish rack.

"You know what it's too cold outside, do you wanna go get some Starbucks and go to the park instead. We can take the puppies too?" I ask.

"Yea, what ever is fine with you" Sarah says. I kiss Sarah on the forehead while I go upstairs to go change into a fresh pair of clothes.

I run down the stairs while Sarah gets ready. I get the puppies ready. After that I put them on their leashes and get inside the car to wait for Sarah.

After about 5 minutes Sarah comes outside and hops inside the car.

"Ready?" I ask. Sarah nods. I start the car and I get out of the drive way. We drove to the nearest Starbucks.

"The usual" Sarah says. I get out and wait in line to order the drinks.

After I finish ordering I sit down on the chair and wait for the drinks to be done.

I sigh looking at my phone. The lock screen is a picture of the entire family with Emmy right before everything headed south. Oh how much I miss her.

I saw the chair in front of me slightly move. Then I hear someone clear their throat. I look up. This person looks so familiar. I rub my eyes and look at her.

"Excuse me, sir. Do you spare any change. I'm very hungry." The young girl says.

"Actually I do" I take out a $5 bill and hand it to her.

"Thank you very much sir." The girl said.

She buys herself a croissant. She comes back sitting in front of me.

"I'm sorry to ask, but have I seen you before?" I ask. The girl just shrugs.

"Okay, then. What is your name sweetie?" I ask.

"Umm, my name is Emmy Rodriguez" she said. I look at her again.

"My family used to live around here, and well you won't believe me, but I was kidnapped from here. My family never looked for me because they never knew what happened. I believe my father's name is Brendon Urie" she says looking down.

I gasps with my mouth wide open. "Excuse me sir, your drink is ready" I get up and grab the drinks and sit back down.

"Can you repeat that last sentence again?" I ask.
"Uhh my father I think his name is Brendon Urie" she says.

Haha. This is for sure the last chapter to this story. I legit wrote this last night and stayed up until 1am writing this. Sorry about that. Also, sorry about that cliffhanger as well. Welp Happy holidays and stay warm. Hope y'all enjoyed this. Ill let you guys know when the sequel will be coming out for this story.

Welp. Much love 😘

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