Prolouge - The Random Entery

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Am I alive or dead? Will I ever discover what happened to me? Let me try to remember... It was raining, too cliché to expect that incident coming, the road was empty and we were on the right side of the road at the speed limit. We were coming home from my monthly mourn when suddenly we saw a car going extremely fast and headed right for us! When we tried to steer out of the way, he moved to make sure he hit us, so obviously it was on purpose! I think I was the only one who caught that idiot's face, and it was weird! He was wearing many shock absorbers like if he was a living test dummy and he had no pupils... I am not entirely sure about this slight detail but I thought his skin was a little more blue than normal, and it seems like an Ice-type was possessing him.

Anyways, in a spilt-second, I was probably either killed or in a deep coma... So now I am here. In this dreamscape of sorts. I hope this is a dream, so I pinch myself. Didn't feel it. So, yeah, this is a dream, huh... Then a random voice just pops up and decides speak to me, "Hello there... Might you be... A human?" Of course, I thought something weird as shit would happen if I told him I was a human, so I decide to lie my ass off with a response of, "No, of course not! I am a Snivy!" The voice was not amused, but he wanted to press further just in case if I lied, so he pressed, "...Then I find it odd how you were in a c-" I decide to interrupt him so he doesn't find me out easily, "I was caught awhile back." That was a bad connection from me so I start hoping it's enough, but it wasn't the end of the questions, "Then why were you out?"

I start sweating, as this was not my expectation at all. I pause a little then continue on by saying back, "I was o-o-outside my p-p-poké-" I was interrupted by the voice quickly with a, "Liar." Found out again... I have a horrid lying skill. Everyone can easily see through my lies... Well, I guess it is time for the truth. I start to comply, "Fine. You found me out. I am a human who is of 15 years. I lost my best friend at 5. There. Enough info from me."

The voice then questions me one more time, "This may sound bad, but are you a boy or a girl?" That question cause me to shout out at the top of my lungs, "THIS BETTER NOT BE ONE HELL OF A SICK JOKE!!!" I quickly calm down and said, "Boy. I am a boy." The voice replied to my response in a calm voice, "Well, I guess you will have to start realizing your job. We need some help in the Pokemon World." I failed to understand so I flat out told him, "Which one? I live in one myself. So you have to tell me." "Well, it is a world filled with only Pokemon, so to hide your identity better, you will be a Pokemon in the world, okay?" I nod, and then I feel sudden pain and changes.

The voice responds while I am in huge pain of bones moving around and all of that, "Listen. We need your-" Then... I decided to fully remember that cutoff as I knew I would need it later. Then the voice came back on a little bit more girly but too little of a change for me to notice in pain, "HEEEEEEEELLLLLP!" I then saw a Hydregion chasing a poor Munna as soon as my eyes started moving position. I think I know my goal, but I am not sure if I am being misled. Then I regained my eyesight and then I saw myself... I saw a Snivy. I start to freak out and 10 minutes later I finally start to accept my fate. I then see a portal, and jump into it. The unknown is where I am going.

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