Chapter 1 - The Ragged Mountain

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I saw myself falling through the sky. I was scared like hell. I braced myself, knowing my adventure is already over. I hit the ground.

I woke up unscathed. Wow, I guess my adventure isn't over yet. What a shock. I should have- "Can you get off of me. I hear you breathing. Of course if you wanna sleep a little more, I guess that's okay, but I have a place to get to," a voice interrupted my thought. It took me a bit to think of a response, "Erh, sorry, but can you tell me how to get up?" I finally open my eyes to see to the front of me and I note that I am laying down in this new body. I don't even know how to use this. How do- "What, did you hatch in a stork cape or something?" the voice interrupted AGAIN. If I could get the weird tip in front of me to detach, I would see who is was- Wait. WAIIIIIIIT.... I am a Snivy huh? Why didn't that hit me earlier? I try to focus on adjusting to this body, when the body I was on pushed me up and forced me to stand. I realized that it was a female Oshawott, and she had something to say, "I am pretty sure Snivys don't fall out of the sky unless if it was from a stork, who I believe don't exist anyways..." She looks into the sky. I figured out how to fully use my mouth now and decided against responding when she decides to talk to me, "Just wished there was something to live for without fear... I heard from my father himself about all of these human legends... He confirmed truth on one of the legends. He used to explain further in detail of what happened and who the human was. He knew her personally... When the winter storm was coming he said to me that if I live, I will see a human. With my own two eyes. But I will never see mom again." I heard the Oshawott correctly. She looks as if she truly misses her parents... But what does it matter if I am just dreaming this? I pinch myself again. Felt it this time. That dream lead to this reality, but HOW?

I finally took a step, adjusting to this body fully finally. I had to comfort the Oshawott... Wait... Wait a damn moment, what if... Oh no. OH NO. I quickly shouted in shock, "BEATRICE!"

I had fainted from shock and reawakened from a Water Gun to my face from the Oshawott, who had this to say once I opened my eyes, "...You must be the human I was supposed to meet, huh?" That honestly sounded a little stern in my opinion, but I had to regather my thoughts for a bit. The Oshawott just blinked a couple of times while I finally got something to say, nodding, "Yeah, so what now?" The Oshawott giggles a bit then rolls her eyes, "Well, you honestly have to be a human. I mean, who has a friend named Beatrice? You do feel a little off from the humans of legend, but my dad did state that the human I will meet will be from a different world." I sigh as I get up and point to the dirt road that leads ahead, "Well, this is the only path I see, so let's get somewhere civilized, okay?" The Oshawott then realizes something and shouts, "OH NO! I JUST REMEMBERED! WE HAVE TO GET THERE QUICK, I AM RUNNING OUT OF TIME!" She then grabs one of my shoulder thingies and drags me across the dirt, running as quick as she can.

She looks at me and questions, "Why are you so dirty? Oh, and the bridge is out." I gave her a glare, obviously a little pissed at that comment, "Because you dragged me across the dirt you dumbass." I got up after she sweatdrops and releases my shoulder thingy and look around, and then I found an entrance to a cave, "Hey look!" The Oshawott looks in my direction and sees the cave, "Oh! That might be a mystery dungeon, " I thought it out for a moment, then I feel the moves I am supposed to know surge to me as I come up with an idea, "Hey! Oshawott, I figured out my moveset! Maybe a makeshift bridge does the trick?" She rolls her eyes and responds, "Might as well. Wonder how good humans are with building materials, you know." I sweatdrop with a reply that made her get a little worried as well, "SOME are experts, but this is my first time building a bridge." I then call out vines from my shoulder thingies and barely make the bridge out of vines. It was kinda sturdy, but it wouldn't take an Oshawott and a Snivy at the same time... So I tell the Oshawott, "I am not taking chances going across the bridge with you, so I am taking the other path, okay?" The Oshawott nods as she takes the easy path and I go into whatever the cave is.

[Ragged Mountain Western Cave] I walk in, and hear a lot of shifting going on, so I look and see the PATH CHANGING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, OH MY ARCEUS! With awe, I looked as the path opens up and I see a Fletchling. Being the kind pokemon trainer I WAS, I try to pet it, just to get hit by a gust. That hurt less AND more at the same time if I were to explain it really. I mean, the more part is easily explained, but the less was because I was a Snivy, now mind you, I got hit by a whole bunch of gusts before when I was a trainer, but I had never got provoked. However, instincts of my body kicked in and right before I attack the Fletchling, I regain control, and start pleading sorrys. The Fletchling responded, "...You must be either a weirdo or a human. Not sure which..." The voice WANTED me to hide my human identity and I was failing so hard to do that, so screw that. "Heh, well maybe you are talking to a human, maybe not." The Fletchling rolls his eyes and decides, "Well, I been alone for awhile so I am going with you." Wait, the Fletchling is going WITH me?! Well, here's to another member. Me and the Fletchling beat up some random Pidoves as we manage to get out of the Western Cave through some natural stairs.

[Ragged Mountain Outside Top] The Fletching sees a tree as the Oshawott shouts over to me, "HEY THANKS!! MEET YOU AT THE CROSSROADS!" A distant "Hmmm... Yeah," is heard as well. I wave to the Oshawott as the Fletchling says, "Erh, I can't knock down this tree, you know?" I sigh and go over to the tree and use Tackle, knocking it down. I felt myself die a little inside, but that's expected for a Snivy knocking down a tree, but I knew it was there to be knocked down, so I suppress the instincts to cry this time. Hey look, finally getting control over this stinking body's instincts! Nice. The Fletchling nods and runs on the log to the other side, trying to get me to follow. I start crossing, but get scared and start losing balance. I regain it luckily and finish the crossing, taking a whole lot of deep breaths to calm down after that anxiety. The Fletchling without saying a word goes into the eastern cave, and I follow.

[Ragged Mountain Eastern Cave] Back into a cave as I find an Oran berry and give it to the Fletchling. The Fletchling quickly takes major damage, like around 30 damage... Isn't it weaker than me? Oh wait, I can take 50 right now already... Despite being a level 7... The Fletchling eats the Oran berry in fear, as I expect there is no way it would help against a pidgey because it heals only 10... Nope, it healed the Fletching for 100. I was honestly shocked. I did NOT expect that at all. Me and the Fletchling get another Oran Berry and see the exit. We go ahead and exit and see the Oshawott and head to the Crossroads.


Tree(Snivy) Level 7

HP 45/50

Atk 20

Def 21

Spe 19

Spe Def 21


???(Fletchling) Level 6

HP 25/40

Atk 18

Def 15

Spe 20

Spe Def 17

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