Prison cells (Moriarty)

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You walk into to your bosses office. After being a guard here for seven years, your boss had decided to entrust you with the new criminal.

"Ah, (Y/N). How are you?" He says cheerfully as you sit down Infront of him.

"I'm good thank you detective inspector Lestrade," you reply, smiling.

"Excellent! Your gonna need happy thoughts today. We have a new criminal mastermind. His name's James Moriarty, otherwise know as Jim," Lestrades' eyes bore into yours. He leans over the desk, "You have my complete trust which is why I've chosen you to guard him,"

"I understand, sir," you nod.

"Good, Sally will take you to his cell," the inspector says as the door open and Sally Donovan comes in. You get up and follow her to the cell.


A couple of hours later, you stand outside the door to the blank prison cell. The man inside is not like the other prisoners, he wears an expensive looking suit and looks surprising attractive. But you shake thoughts like this away, he is, after all, a psychopath. You sigh and shift from foot to foot.

"You bored, darlin''?" An Irish voice comes from behind the door. You ignore it, not wanting to encourage the prisoner.

"Aww, come on kitten. I'm not gonna hurt you," the voice edges closer. You feel his presence behind you. His warm breath tickles the back of your neck through the small barred window.

"Can't I talk to you?" He purrs. You turn on your heel and point a gun at him through the bars.

"I'm just here to make sure you don't escape. If we both ignore each other, neither of us will get into trouble," you say calmly. He chuckles and hold a hand out through the bars.

"Jim Moriarty, hi," he smiles. You carefully lower your gun and go to shake the hand. Moriarty holds it gently and runs his lips over your knuckles.

"(Y/N) (L/N)," you gulp, shivers running down your spine.

"It's a pleasure to meet you (Y/N)," Moriarty whispers before letting your hand go. He shrinks back into the shadowy corners of the cell as you are left with a spinning head.

You carry on standing there, trying to decide what Doctor Who episode to watch later that night. Until a strange feeling on the back of your neck shakes you from your thoughts. The prisoner, Moriarty, is playing with the whisps of hair that have fallen out of your bun. Your head snaps around.

"And, what exactly, do you think you are doing?" You say firmly.

"Getting you to turn round so I could do this," Moriarty smirks before tugging your collar and slamming his lips on to yours. The cool cell bars press into your face, turning it red.

When you pull away, Moriarty looks lustfully at you.

"Now," he dusts down his suit, "Will you help me get out of here?"

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