Chapter 2: The First Steps

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Author's Note:

Welcome to Chapter 2 and thanks for sticking around. As a general rule, I'll try to get at least one chapter out per week, but I can't make any promises. I also appreciate any feedback you can give me.


You find yourself in a forest that is covered in snow. There is a light breeze and you take a moment to look around you.

I recognize this place. I remember. After I rode in Strelizia with Zero Two yesterday, there were images flashing in my mind. Now I can see them more clearly...

But what is the meaning of this? You ask yourself when you hear something behind you. You turn around to see a massive tree that wasn't there a moment ago and there is a small figure in a black cloak underneath it, weeping.

"Hello? Are you alright?" you ask the figure but it doesn't respond.

You walk towards the little figure but despite the short distance, it feels as though you're hundreds of meters away and each step barely gets you closer. Finally, when you're in arm's reach and try to reach for the cloaked figure, it vanishes right in front of your eyes. 

Suddenly, everything around you crumbles and starts to vanish as well. Then, the ground below your feet disappears too and you fall into nothingness for what feels like an eternity.

You open your eyes again and find yourself in a barren wasteland this time. The sun blinding you for a short time before your eyes adjust to the light. It is then that you realize, that there is a horde of Klaxosaurs all around you. They come closer and closer to you, their massive size making you look like an ant to them.

In the blink of an eye, something comes crashing down behind you. You turn your head to gaze upon a massive Franxx, bigger than any you have ever seen before. It has a crimson paint job, heavy armor and wields a two-handed sword whose blade is nearly as long as the Franxx is tall. Towering like a giant over the Klaxosaurs, its faceplate sparks to life and it wastes no time to cut through the enemies surrounding you.

Despite its size and overall bulky appearance, it can still maneuver relatively well. This gigantic Franxx cleaves through the Klaxosaurs with its massive blade with such force that you can feel the power behind each strike just by watching it.

"(Y/N)! Wake up!", you hear a voice shout.

You find yourself in your bed in the boarding house, panting heavily as you wake up from your dream. You notice that Hiro, Goro, and Ryoken look at you with concern. 

"Are you alright?" Ryoken asks. "Yeah, I'm fine," you reply, "just a bad dream." "More like a nightmare," Goro adds, "You were shifting erratically and mumbling something incoherent." "I'm alright now, really," you say to ease them. "If you say so," Ryoken responds, "Then let's get breakfast."

The four of you get dressed and start heading down to the mess hall. As you enter it, you notice that besides the tables for the boys and girls, there is a smaller third table with Zero Two sitting at it. She is too busy though with pouring honey on her plate that she didn't notice you entering. As you take your seat at the boys' table, you can see that nearly everyone else in the room is watching Zero Two with various expressions on their faces.

"Why is she still here?" Miku whispers. "What a strange person. I wonder if she likes sweets," Kokoro adds cheerfully. 

"She's not a person. Not with those things on her head," Miku says as she uses her index fingers to imitate her horns. "Cut it out," Ichigo interrupts them, "She's our savior, you know." "Do you think she really has Klaxosaur blood? Besides, I thought nobody had single-digit codes," Ikuno remarks. "Guess we were wrong," Naomi adds.

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