Chapter 3: Ride of the Valkyrie

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The next day

Breakfast has been a little more quiet than usual today, maybe some are just a little exhausted after their fight yesterday. Zorome, however, seems to be a little sour about how fast they got taken down by Valkyrie.

Most of the squad hangs around in the lounge after breakfast, though you decide to take a walk in the forest of Mistilteinn alone.

"I hope everyone learned from that mock battle yesterday," Ryoken says to the rest in the lounge to lighten the mood a bit, "You can never have too much practice before you fight your first Klaxosaur." "He's right," Ichigo continues, "It shouldn't be long until we will go on our first mission." "And show the adults what we are made of!" Zorome remarks.

"Hmpf, maybe you should practice a little more before that happens," Mitsuru comments. "Oh yeah? You didn't stand a chance against Hiro and Naomi," Zorome counters. "Well your fight with Valkyrie lasted 10 seconds at best," Mitsuru responds. "We shouldn't have picked that fight in the first place," Miku adds, "Or charge in head first for that matter."

"Stop fighting please, guys," Kokoro chimes in, "It'll affect your numbers." "She's right," Misaki adds, "At the end of the day, the outcome of this fight doesn't matter as long as you got something out of it."

"Well, I guess we got something out of it alright," Zorome calms down, then looks around. "What about (Y/N) though?" he asks, "He doesn't have a Franxx or a partner, so why is Papa keeping him around?" "He raises an interesting question," Ikuno adds. "But he did ride with Zero Two," Naomi comments.

"He might have been just taken along for the ride for all we know, I heard she can operate a Franxx on her own," Mitsuru says coldly, "He even disappeared from the Garden according to Hiro, who knows what happened with him." 

"Yeah. We saw so many kids disappear from the Garden..." Futoshi says in a sad tone. "Do you know anything about that?" Goro asks Ryoken and Misaki. "From what I've heard he is somewhat of an exception, but that's all I have been told during the time we have been traveling with the doctor," Ryoken answers.

"Where are (Y/N) and Hiro anyway?" Ichigo asks. "I'm pretty sure I saw Hiro go to the forest a while ago," Goro replies.


You're sitting at the edge of the lake where you met Zero Two a couple of days ago. Taking in the view and reminiscing about that fateful meeting, when you suddenly hear movement behind you.

You turn around to see Hiro walking into view, "Oh, hey (Y/N)!" "How did you know I was here?" you ask in a curious tone. "I didn't, actually," he answers, "This is just my favorite spot to hang out and relax." "I see," you reply. 

"I can tell that something is bothering you," he says as he sits down next to you. "Well, you are correct. Actually, more than one thing," you respond. "Want to talk about it?" he asks. You sigh, "I've had a very strange dream the other day, though I believe it was more than just a dream."

"What did you see?" Hiro inquires. "First, I was in a snowy forest, and there was a small figure in a black cloak underneath a tree. When I tried to get closer and reach for the figure, it vanished. Next thing I know I woke up in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by Klaxosaurs until a giant Franxx in crimson red, wielding a massive sword appeared and killed them," you explain, "The thing is that it felt so real, and I am convinced that there is more to it, but I couldn't find any answers to that."

Hiro thinks for a moment before he says, "Sadly, I don't know what either of those things could mean, but if there is any way I can help you to find answers, let me know." You nod in response.

After a moment of silence, Hiro speaks up again, "You know, back in the Garden I was looking for answers as well. Every day, more and more children would disappear. I kept asking the adults questions, though they would never answer me. I felt so helpless as if I was fighting the world on my own since nobody else dared to question the adults." 

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