After joys gloves fell off the house set on fire now there going to try and take joy to a labBella's POV
Joy had woken up and policemen have her
Joy- Get your hands of me!
Heather- Let her go!!
Heather ended up kicking the police man
Violet- Woah what just happened
Bella- I'm gonna get given up vi
Violet- I don't know if I can talk you out of this thought
Bella- Thanks for the speech of motivation
Violet- You can't expect me to always be positive
Bella- Well try please!
Violet- Maybe we should help her Try to stop the police from taking joy
Bella- Yea
I walked over to where Heather and the police were verbally fighting
Heather- My daughter is not being took to a lab Mr.
Police- she's an abomination to this earth
Heather- Just like you!
Joy ran to me
Joy- I don't wanna be in a lab
Bella- don't worry joy Heather can get this sorted out
Heather- Mr. Get your sorry ass out of here and leave!
Police: I will leave for now but don't think I won't be back!
He left without looking back
Heather- Joy!
Joy- Mom did I do that!
Heather- yea but it is fine
Joy- no it's not
Heather- it's not your fault honey
Bella- Oh well im sorry
Heather- Sorry isn't gonna do shit!
Bella- Rawr Bitch!
Heather- Your stupid
Bella- Just think you
I walked away
Violet- Are you being salty
Bella- Well Heather is being mean to me
Violet- I'm sorry , hey how about we go see joy sky iris and Alex ooh!
Bella- I don't like Alex that way!
Violet- Sure
Bella- We barely talk to eachother
Violet- Well no matter what you say I ship it!
Bella- Where's your mind right now
Violet- I'm unsure
I started laughing
Bella- Hey vi
Violet- Ye
Bella- do you hear screaming?
Violet- Yea wanna check it out
Bella- Yea we better
I ran to where the screaming was coming from.
Joy- Get your hands off please
Police: I told you I would be back
Joy- Help!
Bella- let go
Police: No im taking her with me.
Heather- No your not
She had a bat in her hands my eyes widened as she hit the officer serveral times over the head.
Bella- Oh my god!
Heather- You got to do what you got to do to protect the ones you love
Bella- Not like that!
Heather- That is how I roll
Heather- Now everyone get in the car
Bella- What are we doing that for
Heather- You'll see
All of us got in the car.
Heather- This may be a long ride
Joy- Mama where are we going
Heather- That's not any of your business
Iris- Well can you tell me I'm mature
Heather- No your not nobody needs to know
Sky- But why
Heather- The less you know kids the better............................................................
To be contined
Your Other Side
Paranormalyour name is Bella. you did have a twin but she died due to heart failure. soon about 5 months after she died you started hearing a voice in your head. it sounded just like hers. You are the only one who can hear her. you can't see her though. Nobod...