Bella has done some things and now is in a mental hospital yay!

Bella's POV
Yep. A mental hospital
Bella- What do you mean I didn't do it yes i did I vi
Violet- no you didn't I did
Bella- What are you pointing at
Violet- I'm using Brain control
Bella- Vi you know I hate hurting people why did you do this to me?
Violet- because I'm trying to show you how to stand up for yourself
Bella- violence doesn't solve everything you know right 
Violet- of course
Soon the door latches open
Lady- How are you holding up
Bella- Not good
She put her hand on my shoulder
Lady- what's going on
Bella- dont touch  me!
Lady- I'm sorry I
I got up
Bella- dont touch me
I punched her at least i didnt draw blood yet I was still shaking
She feel to the ground as I backed up
Violet- There
Bella- What are you doing to me
Violet- It's about time I did this to you Bella
Bella- What do you mean?
Violet- didn't you know Spirits can possess people
Bella- Your trying to possess me!
Violet- You think I want to
I started crying
Bella- Your making me do horrible things.. just please stop
Violet- Bella I would but the spirit world they want me to possess someone
Bella- well not me not anyone
Violet- Im sorry about that Bella
Bella- Yea well don't so anything else .
Soon I saw the lady trying to get up and I helped her
Lady- Why in the world did you punch me!
Bella- Im sorry I'm not even doing it
Violet- I said I was sorry and don't  tell her she doesn't need to know
Bella- Violets the one doing it
Lady- Who's Violet
Violet- Please don't tell this lady
Bella- the voice in my head
Lady- yep your going insane
Bella- Violets my twin sister who died no we can telepathically communicate
Lady- I will come back later
She left the room and i sat down
Bella- Please don't do anything else to me
Violet- I promise I won't wasn't thinking before I'm sorry
Bella- I can't stay mad at you
I looked at the celling
Violet- I'm sorry I got you in here
Bella- Maybe it's what I need
Violet- No you should not even be here but it's my fault
Bella- Its partly my fault to
Violet- Well agian im sorry
Bella- Just don't ever do it agian understood
Violet- Yes 

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