part ;@*#&&"*@

64 3 5

gessica is now a rich person and she went and buyed a giant manchin. she also buyed a lamb or genie even tho she cant not drove. she are highscole student, but thisnot matter. fuck you and you logic, BITCH.
ok so gessica drived to speed e mart not sponsored and opened the door and walked into the door. she buyed 600000000000000090 bags of sunflower seeds. when she camed out of the stoor, A BED BOY WAS ROBBING HER LAMB OR GENIE!!!!!! gessiica was soooooooooo angery even though she could buy likr 7000 more of them but ok anyways she was soooooooooooooo angery and she got her demone wang and T A LE again and she went on FIRE and she SHOVED HRR FAT tale up bed boys BUT. bed boy SCRAMED so loud that it hurt gessicas ears and she got even angerier. she flew up into the air sooooo high like higher than snoop dog when he smoked a weed and smashed in his SKOLL at full force and he FUCKING DIED. of course there were like 10 eye whiteness is, but they did not call the poluce because this is a story. gesucca got baccc 2 normal and goed in her car AND put in the kEyS in the KEYHOLE AND drocve to smiths not sponsored like a pro gamer with a SMORK.
gesucca was creaving a frozen microwavablr salisbury steak with mashed potatoyowoes, and GREVY and HOT SEXY YELLOW CORN with apple deserts. she can fly so she flied down the isles loking for her frozen microwavablr sailisbury steak with mashed potatoyowoes, and GREVY and HOT SEXY YELLOW CORN with apple deserts. she event two ally found her microwavablr salisbury steak with mashed potayowoes, and GREVY and HOT SEXY YELLOW CORN with apple deserts. she grabbed and flew out the store like a freaking noob thief. nobody seen her cuz they dumb. gesucca doesnt even need a car. becahse she can fly but nobody cares fuck you
gesucucsuhcauva went in her laamp or genie and drived house. she opened the microwave and took her frozen microwavablr salisbury steak with mashed potayowoes, and GREVY and HOT SEXY YELLOW CORN with apple deserts out of the paclage and put it in the microwab and clpsed tge microwab and microwabbed it for 6-7 minutes and when she sat at her table and it smelled soooooooooooooooooooooooo good


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