Chapter 14

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When I got home, after reading Zen's note, I fucking lost my mind. WHAT THE FUCK WAS SHE THINKING? I'd screamed. Alex tried to calm me down. I could tell I was stressing her out, but I had more goddamn important things to think about. 

"Zac." Alex touched my shoulder. I flinched away from her. She shot me a hurt look, which I pretended I didn't notice. 

"What do you want?" 

"I want a lot of things. But mainly, I want you to be happy. With Zen." I rolled my eyes.

"Like hell you do." 

"Can you stop for 5 minutes? Damn, are you on your period or something? Because you seem a lot more moody than usual." I guess she could tell I was about to cut her off, so she kept talking. 

"Look. It kills me to see you like this." Of course it does. Seeing me just kills you. I'm that pretty. I roll my eyes.

 "I'm trying to be nice." I wish I was immune to bullshit.

 " I have an idea." Oh do you. then she drops the bomb. 

"I'm going to rescue Zendaya." For the first time I look at her. That probably one of the few times Alex has ever said Zendaya's name. She hates Zen. Why though? Is there anything to hate? Oh maybe the fact that Zen's my mate, and Alex isn't. 

"What?" I'm surprised she's not happy Zen's gone. 

"You heard me. I want to. At least then you'll be happy."

"What exactly do you have in mind?"

Alexandra POV

I grinned at Zac as I told him my plan. It wasn't THAT hard. I just have to pretend to surrender, warn Zen that Zac's coming, so she'll have time to prepare for it, and then Zac can pretend he's come to work for his father, hopefully She'll go along with it. (A/N Alexandra refers to Zendaya as She, or Her. She never usually says Zen's name.)  Unless She blows it. Sounds like something she'd do. 

"Absolutely not." Zac says, when I finish. 

"Why not?"

"I'm not letting you sacrifice yourself. I can't lose anyone else if this plan doesn't work." He stands up, and turns away from me. 

"You can't stop me." Zac runs a hand through his hair. 

"Actually," He murmurs, "I can." For the first time in who knows how long, he looks into my eyes. The world stops moving.

 I. Can't. Look. Away. 

I understand what the expression= to be a deer in headlights really now. You can't look away. It's mesmerizing. 

"See. You can't go and sacrifice yourself." 

"Zac I'm trying to help you. Please let me do this."

"No." I lose it.

"For fuck's sake. I'm VOLUNTEERING to go and sacrifice MYSELF for YOUR GIRLFRIEND, WHEN YOU'RE TOO SCARED TOO. I have to do this!! I can't stand seeing you depressed like this. I've got nothing to lose." Zac opens his mouth, but I cut him off. "You know it's true. All I want is for you to be happy. Now I'm going to visit Austin." The idea just popped into my head. "And I'm going to tell him we're going to go rescue Zendaya." I walked out of the room before he could refuse again.

I took a deep breath. It's been awhile since I've been to Her and Austin's house. Then I knocked. 

"Hello-Oh it's you." Austin literally slammed the door in my face. I winced. I started knocking again. After a few moments he opened the door again. My heart unwillingly jumped a bit when I saw him. 

"Hey." I said softly.

"What do you want?" He asked sharply. 

"I was wondering if you could ever forgive me."

"No I probably won't. Ever." 

"Is there anything I can do, that might make you dislike me, instead of hating me?"

"Well..." He hesitated. "Yeah there's one thing. But's it's impossible, and you're crazy to even try."

"What is it?"

"Maybe if you could get Zen back, and convince her to stop hating me. Then maybe."

"Good. That's what I came here to talk to you about." He stared at me, mouth half open, as I pushed past him, trying to keep a smile off my face. 

Zendaya POV

"Stupid, impulsive, extremely sweet bastard."

"Yeah you've kinda summed up Zac in... five words?" 

"Okay. So there's nothing I can do to prevent this?"

"Nope. I'm already good as dead anyway." She sighs a bit. 

"What do you mean?"

"Are you really that naive? Do you really think he'd let me go so quickly? He's just letting you 'teach me' until he gets bored, or one of us pisses him off."

"I won't let him kill you. Zac won't let him kill you."

"I wish that was true."

"When's he coming?" 

"Very soon actually. He should be coming in...hmm let's say 2 minutes ish?" 

I stand next to Salvotor, feeling very uncomfortable. Zac is going to be coming in here any moment now. I can only hope Salvotor doesn't kill him in front of me. The he walks in. I freeze. I can't look away from him. It's like the world brightens up a bit. He can't seem to keep his eyes of me either. First he wears an expression of relief. Then he frowns, when he sees where I'm standing. Then he smiles and winks in my direction. 

"Hey Father." I can't help but notice there are no guards, like there were for Alexandra. She's waiting anxiously up in her room probably.

"My son. Why are you here?" 

"Well. I got bored. My pack seems to be losing members, and fights. So I decided to come join you."

Heyyyy. What's up? Sorry if this was a long chapter. Originally, I had a much longer chapter planned, but I cut it short a bit. Cya soon(hopefully) Not edited btw. 

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