Zendaya is glad her brother is finally alpha. But then she meets the alpha of their rival packs. And all her old beliefs about love fly out the window. The thing is, they're not allowed to be in love. But for once, Zendaya doesn't care. And neither...
First of all, I want to thank you for getting Rewrite the Stars to 1k reads. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! i love you <3<3 Merry Christmas! Also, I'm super sorry, I needed a break from wattpad for a little while, that's why I haven't been updating tons. Ima try to update once a week, but no promises. luv y'all
I could practically see Zendaya's brain working outside her head. Her face was so priceless. Finally, she composed her face and turned to Salvotor. She whispered something in his ear, he nodded, and kissed her cheek. She stiffened, and I wanted to murder that sad excuse of my dad. She exchanged a look with Salvotor, then she motioned for me to follow her. I walked in front of her, I know she can take care of herself, but she's so impulsive.
"Get behind me." She barked, and glared at me. I waited an then followed her out of the room.
Zendaya POV
For a moment, I thought maybe he was angry, but before I could think about it further, he yanked me to him and covered my mouth with his in a hungry kiss. I responded immediately, surprising myself. His mouth was so warm, his lips were so soft. Nothing was worse than missing this. He traced my bottom lip with his tongue, and I I opened my mouth with a little sigh, that I really hoped he couldn't hear. I could feel his lips lift into a smirk, as he continued kissing me.
I shouldn't be doing this.
I pulled away from him. "Not right now."
"Is there going to be a better time?" He had a point. I sighed.
"Look, I want to, but we can't. Why did you even come here, you stupid bastard? You're basically asking to get murdered."
"I'd rather die with you, now, than live for 80 more years without you."
"Damn. You'd be old."
"Oh stop."
"Okay," I smirked and walked away from him. "Let me show you to your room Master Zac." Then I realize something. "Wait that's wrong" Zac raises his eyebrows. "If I actually accept Salvotor as my mate..."
"What?" Zac isn't getting it.
"That would make you..." It takes him a minute.
"Oh God."
"No kidding."
"Damn. That's just messed up and disgusting."
"Tell me something I don't know." I rolled my eyes. Zac quickly looked at me, and he seemed relieved to realize I was joking.
"I wonder why Salvotor decided to let us go so easily." Zac rolled his eyes at me.
"Are you really that naive?"
"What do you mean?" Zac walked up and wrapped his arm around me as we walked.
"Even though you can't tell by his looks, Salvotor is not stupid. He wasn't 'letting us go.' Do you really think he'll ever do that?" He stopped walking and put both his hands on my shoulders. Would Salvotor ever let me go? I know things he doesn't want me to. I also know pretty much the whole layout of his castle. Would he let me go?
"No." I realized.
"Exactly. He's just using us. When we don't have anything he wants anymore, he'll kill us." I sighed.
"I knew he was going to kill me. Eventually." Zac widened his eyes at me.
"Oh come on. You knew that. What happens when I'm not pretty anymore? What happens when you, or my family dies? What happens when he's finally killed everyone he wants to? Then-" I slide a finger across my throat.
"I'm not going to let him do that." Zac pulled me closer to him. He leaned down. Then-
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING??! I TRIED TO HELP YOU!!! LET ME GOOOOOO!!" Shouted a very familiar voice. Zac and I pulled apart and looked at each other. I could clearly see the horror in his eyes.
"Alexandra." We both said.
Sorry I made you guys wait so long. Happy New year! Ok now I should go. C'yall next chapter! Byeeeeeee
ANDDDDDD Here's your...(drumroll please.)
Daily(wrong word ik) Dose Of ZacDaya!
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oh my gosh i love that one above. and below
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