chapter 4-mixed feelings

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"El, babe are you okay?"

"Louis? Yeah why wouldn't I be? What happened?"

"I haven't heard from you for days. I was so worried. Why haven't you called me back?"

"I'm really sorry. I've just been so busy. With this new job and everything, it's just been so hectic."

"Are you sure everything's okay between us?"

"Yeah, I swear."

"Okay, I love you babe. Call you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Love you too."

Eleanor's pov

The way Louis treats me is unbelievable. He is unlike any boyfriend I've ever had, he is so unselfish and loving. I am so lucky to have him in my life. I had thought he was the one, until recently, I'm not sure anymore. I know I still love him with all my heart. Finding a guy like Louis was a blessing. I do know that I'm not ready to throw our whole relationship away. I know I need to give it more time to see how I really feel.

Today is the day I'm supposing to be moving in with Louis. He's coming over in a few minutes to help me bring my stuff over.

"Hey Lou, come on in"

"Hey baby" he said while giving me a kiss.

I still wasn't quite sure how I felt about us but I didn't want to put off moving in with him because it isn't fair to him. I know I can do it though, I shouldn't be feeling this way, Louis is so sweet to me, I'm sure I can love him again.

"I'll just take these to the car then, okay babe?" he asked

"Yeah sure, thanks"

After packing the car up we finally got on the road. I was so tired from packing the night before I ended up falling asleep. I woke up to a blanket covering me and Louis holding my hand. At this moment I knew I loved Louis and nothing could change that.

Louis' pov

I am so excited Eleanor's stuff is packed and were finally going to our flat That feels so good to say, our flat. It would be a place I can share with the love of my life, Eleanor Jane Calder. I couldn't ask for anything better.

We were drving back to the flat when after about 10 minutes, El fell asleep. She looked so adorable sleeping I couldn't stop staring at her and almost lost control of the wheel. She looked cold so I put a blanket I had in the back on her and held her hand as I drove away to spend the rest of my life with her.

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