Chapter 4

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Regular text is Gaara and bold is Shukaku
Gaara's POV
I was shocked. Mika Uchiha grabbed my hand and kissed me on the cheek. She touched me without my sand stopping her. I felt my cheeks heat up when she kissed me. She skipped off into the woods and I collapsed to the ground.
"What just happened?" I asked myself.
"She is special," Shukaku said.
"What does that mean?" I asked another question.
"She's your mate," Shukaku told me.
"Mate no that's impossible. I only love myself and only myself," I said.
"Not anymore Gaara," Shukaku started.
"Red head," A voice called.
I turned and saw a boy with longish brown hair and ugly brown toffee eyes.

"What?" I hissed

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"What?" I hissed.
"Stay the hell away from Mika. She's mine," He said.
"I don't think so," I said.
"I want you to remember this, Mika will never be with a guy like you. She would be with a guy like me though," He said.
"You're wrong, she's already mine," I said.
"As I said before stay away," He said.
He turned away and disappeared into the forest. I was mad, very mad.
"Kill him, he's trying to take what is ours," Shukaku said.
"Oh I will kill him. He can not take my mate," I growled.
"So you do accept that she is our mate," Shukaku said.
"Yes now that some other guy is trying to have her," I said.
(Damn Gaara don't be so jelly)

Mika's POV
"Come on Naru, Sasu," I said.
"We're coming," Sasuke said.
I was dragging them into the academy for the first part of the Chunin Exams. We were stopped on the second floor because there was a group of Genin who were being blocked.
"What the hell is wrong with you people?" I asked.
"Excuse me," A girl with two buns asked.
"You do know that this is only the second floor, right?" I asked.
They looked surprised.
"No it's not," A guy with long hair and lavender eyes said.
'A Hyuga,' I thought to myself.
"You're a Hyuga, use your byakugan," I said.
His eyes widened before he activated it.
"It's the second floor," He said shocked.
"Told ya so," I said. "Come Naru, Sasu."
I grabbed their hands and dragged them away.
"Wait," A voice called.
We ignored that voice as we disappeared from their sight. We got to the room and Kakashi Sensei was waiting there.
"Mika," He said.
"Hi Kakashi Sensei," I giggled.
"Sasuke, Naruto, you better make sure that Mika doesn't get hurt or something bad will happen," Kakashi Sensei threatened.
"I would never let anything happen to my sister," Sasu said.
"Nothing will happen to my future wife," Naruto said.
"Naru I'm not going to marry you," I whined.
"We will see, my dear," He said.
Sasuke growled as I rolled my eyes.
"Good luck you three," Kakashi Sensei said.
We all nodded and Naruto and Sasuke opened the door for me. I walked through and they followed. Everyone was looking at us. I saw the Sand Benin in the back corner. I smiled at Gaara before I was hugged from behind.
"Hello my love," An all to familiar said.
"I am not your love Kaito," I growled.
I had an Uchiha glare when I got out of his grip and looked at him.
-The guy from earlier-
"Back off Kaito," Sasuke growled.
"Come Sasuke," Kaito said. "We all know that she's in love with me."
"That's a lie," I said.
"Come on baby," He said.
"Oh hell no," I said.
I punched him in the stomach and he fell to his knees.
"You gorgeous bitch," He hissed.
Sand hit him in the face.
"Don't call her that," A raspy and deep voice said.
We all turned and saw Gaara.
"Hi Gaara," I smiled.
"Hello Mika," He said.
"You again," Kaito growled.
"As I said before she's not yours," Gaara said.
"You wanna bet," He growled.
"What?" I asked confused.
Kaito stood up and walked to me. He forcefully grabbed my face and put his mouth against mine. My eyes widened and I tried to push him off of me. I looked right at Gaara and with wide eyes I pleaded for help. Gaara glared at Kaito as sand grabbed him and threw him through a wall. Everyone stared at Gaara with wide eyes.
"Like I said last night she's not yours," Gaara said.
He turned around and walked away. I stared after him as he walked to his siblings.
"Mika are you okay?" Sasuke asked me.
I was staring at Gaara still when I said, "Yeah."
"What did he mean about last night?" Naruto asked.
"I-I don't know," I said.
"Listen up you baby faced delinquents, I'm Ibiki and I'm the first proctor for the Chunin exams," A man with scars all over his face said.
"Also Sand people don't throw people through walls."
Gaara glared at him before Ibiki looked away. The Chunin around Ibiki were surprised.
"The first part of the Chunin exams begin after you're all seated," Ibiki said.
He started calling out names so we could be given a seat number. I ended up by Gaara and Sasuke was a few desk in front of me while Naruto is in the front.

The question were easy so I didn't have to cheat I did however give Gaara the answers. I don't why but I felt the need to help him just so I could be close to him. As a window shattered and glass went everywhere sand protected Gaara and I. I looked at him to see he's already looking at me. I smiled gently at him with a small blush. He had a grin on his face.
'He protected me from the glass,' I thought.
"I'm Anko and I'm the next proctor," A woman in revealing clothes yelled.
"Anko, you're early again," Ibiki sighed.
She blushed in embarrassment, "Ibiki you let this many pass. You've gone soft."
"Or maybe we have a stronger group this year," He said.
"Oh well by the time I'm done with them the numbers will be cut in half," She smirked.

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