Chapter Three

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"Ok boss, this a hardpoint operation, take control of as many hardpoints as you can. Patch me in to them, and I'll take care of the rest." said Bish. After a year of preparing, Bish and Sarah have managed to gather enough soldiers to form an army to fight against the IMC, called the Militia. Bish was the leader and Sarah was the mechanic who helped build vehicles. They got some thieves to steal weapons, technology, and resources from the IMC. Ever since the IMC built a new way to fight, called Titans, giant robots that can be piloted, the Militia have had some problems winning some battles. Luckily, they were able to build Titans from the materials and technology they stole. This is their fifth battle. They were fighting on Smuggler's Cove. It was famous for it's mercenaries and black markets. "Incoming dropship, two pilots and five grunts." Bish informed. Bullets, grenades, and missles were flying across the battlefield. "Pilots, stand by for Titanfall." said Sarah. Four pilots called in their Titans-two Ogres, one Atlas, and one Stryder. All equipped with 40mm-Cannons. Each Pilot embarked their Titans. Three other IMC Titans were by Alpha, the last hardpoint. The IMC Titans were wielding X10-Chainguns. The Titans fought. There were explosions everywhere. The Titans were punching, shooting, and smashing the walls of buildings. In the end, the Militia won. They destroyed the Titans, and captured Alpha. "Mission complete, great work team! Come on home."

"All soldiers, report to hanger.", said Bish over the P.A. "What are we all doing here?", said a Militia Grunt. "I bet you're all wondering when this war will end. I assure you, it won't be soon, and we're just getting started."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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