Chapter 29: Tipping Point

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Knowing what had to be done, Primus, having removed himself to even the scales, faded away into deep hypersleep, leaving his memories up to his creations of how he and his twin were divided from the Original Being. He knew that he and his brother were too evenly matched for this eternal conflict to ever come to a resolution, so he sought to change this eternal stalemate by removing himself from the equation and substituting beings who would form to incorporate facets of the Creator and Unmaker's natures. With their greater variety and uniquely varied potential to change the future, the creation of these beings, The Thirteen, would hopefully be enough to increase the options for new direction and creativity far beyond the equally matched duality of the original combatants.

Finally, the Thirteen had settled on a plan to battle and distract the Unmaker. However, this was only supposed to be a cover so that they could open a path for the Thirteenth to be inserted in close proximity to Unicron's core. As his spark was so uniquely Primus-like, they hoped that it would react with Unicron's and both would then be knocked into involuntary shutdown. Then, the Primes would hopefully retrieve the Thirteenth and revive him.

However, when the time came for battle, it did not go at all as planned. Proving far more hellish and terrible then they had ever anticipated during all their training, Unicron assaulted them with defenses far beyond their expectations. Even worse though, the mere aura of his presence crushed all their hopes and dreams like an army of dementors, only much worse, nearly drowning their sparks in despair and darkness.

But then, like that stone of hope appearing out of the mountain of despair, the Thirteenth's gentle voice reached the processors and sparks of his comrades. Those three simple words he spoke rekindling their hope and will to fight.

"All are One."

At last, the tides turned, and the Thirteen eventually succeeded in their goal of vanquishing Unicron. They did not kill him, of course, as it was against their nature, and his death would disrupt the cosmic balance. The Chaos-Bringer was merely knocked into unconsciousness, hopefully forever.

But that was just wishful thinking on their part.

He would rise again, and another would be called to face him in that time of peril, just as before.

One way or another, history would always repeat itself.

Aria didn't realize that she had passed out until she opened her eyes blearily and found herself, once again, lying on that damn uncomfortable medical gurney. June was leaning over her with a worried frown as she checked her pulse. She hadn't noticed that Aria was awaken yet, but she seemed to be concerned for some reason.

Grey eyes watching her movements, she then watched as the woman's gaze shifted to the bandage on Aria's arm. She was biting her lip nervously and had a looking her blue eyes that Aria had seen quite a few times on the streets: temptation. The woman seemed to be torn between respecting a patient's need for privacy and the temptation to feed her curiosity and see what was under the cloth. Whatever was going through the woman's mind though, Aria did not like the look it made on her face as she seemed to come to a decision.

The woman began to reach for the wrapping. However, before she could get too close, Aria's hand suddenly shot out and caught the woman's wrist with a surprising amount of speed and strength.

"Don't even think about it," she growled, causing everyone to look at her.

As though she had not just been caught doing something that would have probably earned her a permanent stink-eye with the blonde girl, June gasped in relief. "Aria are you alright? You passed out a little while ago. Was it a migraine or headache?"

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