31.| Welcome Home Dallas

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"Dallas! What in the fuckin' hell are you doing-no way-I'm hallucinating aren't I? No way, this has gotta be impossibl-no you're actually-your alive- your-", Keith begins as the guy; now known as Dallas, stands and walks over to Keith as they engulf each other in a manly, bone breaking hug.

"It's me, man! It's me!", the relatively exact voice responds with the same manner of excitement.

Keith takes a look around at everyone surrounding the campfire with overflowing joy before looking back at Alex when he had suddenly remembered her presence.

"Oh, Alex! I would love you to meet my twin brother, Dallas and Dallas I would love you to meet the new recruit AKA my bestie, Alex.", Keith says innocently as he looks between Alex and Dallas.

Alex puts out her hand only to realize a little too late with a shock that it was a waste of energy since Dallas eagerly scooped her up in a bone-breaking hug. After Dallas had managed to place Alex down safely was she then given the chance to observe the twins' differences.

One being their eye color, then their strengths and lastly their hair color, because other than that they were perfectly alike; excluding the clothes and the slight change of deepness in their voices but including the English accent which the whole family seemed to of have erupted in.

While Alex continued her observations a young woman with short dark chocolate colored hair and bright dark coffee-colored eyes approaches Alex with Carson right at her heels. Alex shot Keith a concerned scowl when the woman threw her arms around Alex and engulfed her into a hug.

"Oh, and Alex meet my sister-in-law AKA Carson's wife, Payton Armstrong.", Keith says as he rolls his eyes before earning a light slap over the back of his head from his older brother.

After Payton releases her grip on Alex she places her hands on Alex's shoulders and scans her over with a wide smile Alex wasn't familiar with whatsoever.

"So you finally dumped Angela.", Payton says with a sigh, "I never thought she was your type, either."

Everyone shots Keith different glares as he freezes with a hand over the back of his head.

"Well, I didn't dump her; wish I did, but Mum is our little matchmaker in this house-", Keith rants on before stopping himself when he realized how awkward the conversation got.

Dallas rushes over to his twin and throws an arm over Keith's head as he eyes everyone.

"You know what this calls for right?!"

Keith, Felix, and Jasper all wildly perk up in realization as they all blurt out "camp-out" in sync.

Alex had just finished taking a thorough shower and had also finished tending to her wounds when Keith knocked on the door and told her that the boys had already set up the camp and were ready for them to join.

"Coming.", Alex responds as she pulls a grey hoodie with a black check mark under the word Nike imprinted on the front over the white short sleeve which was safely tucked inside the black leggings.

She quickly put her hair in a high ponytail, neatly placed her clothes inside her duffle bag and opened the door once again to be surprised when she crashes into Keith who had been leaning against the door frame lazily scrolling through his phone with his right thumb while his left hand comfortably rested in the pockets of his grey fleece pants.

"Jheeze Mary Sue didn't know you liked crashing into me so often.", he says with a grin as he throws his arm over Alex's neck when she had attempted to escape.

"What do you want now Keith?", Alex asks as they begin advancing their way down the stairs where lots of chattering and laughter vented from the living room and kitchen.

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