Chapter 1

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Honey, wake up!! i heard my mom yell from down stairs. Uggggh!! I replied. Seriously get up! it's your last day of school you NEED to show up. she replied.

I rolled out of bed took a shower put on some sweats and an old t shirt I've had for god knows how long. After I ate breakfast my hair was mostly dry and I put it up in a messy bun. I mean, it's the last day of school and I most definitely don't have anyone to impress. I try to stay away from boys. actually I kinda try to stay away from everyone for that matter, not just boys..

I walked through the crowd of people in front of my locker and finally after being shoved around and stepped on I made it there. As You can tell, my school is WAY over populated. In my school probably like most schools, we have many different groups of people. Let me break it down for you. We have the "weird kids" .These students are the ones that are not as fortunate as others and maybe don't have the nicest shoes or don't have clean hair all of the time. The kids that you can look at and know that they are not happy with who they are. the students you can tell are happy on the outside and dyeing on the inside. Second we have the "cool kids" these students are the ones that DO have nice shoes and have there hair conveniently on point at all times and think they can get whatever they want. Lastly we have the "ordinary kids" these kids are just simple, everyday kids that spend most of their Time on their phones and just basically hang out by themselves or family most of the time.these kids don't care what everyone else thinks.
But behind all these different crowds of kids, we all have our own dreams, our own goals, our own thoughts. And as for me, I think I fall under the ordinary category. Though I may not have everything, I cherish what I do have. I go with the flow. I am just an ordinary girl that is ready to go to college and well.. You know.. Maybe get married, have kids, buy a little house right outside of town that I can grow old in and watch my grand children play in the front yard of, with the love of my life by my side.

When I walked in the door of my house I was instantly Startled. I heard my mom and dad screaming, SURPRISE!! Confetti was thrown at my face and I was getting squished into a ginormous hug. As my parents hugged ,and hugged ,and hugged, me I finally was able to pull away. As I asked what was going on they looked very confused. "Come on Scar " my dad said, "lighten up." You just graduated high school and your not even a little excited? My mom asked. No , no that's not it at all. I am very excited just apparently as excited as you guys.. I replied. WELL we have a little graduation present for you!!!! My mom squealed . Hold on mom before you get to crazy I think I should say hi to dad first!! Oh my gosh dad how are you? It's been forever! I said as I was pulled into a big hug. I know sweetly I love you soo much he said kissing my forehead.
My parents split up when I was seven and I only got to see him every three years due to transportation issues.
Okay, okay!! My mom yelled. tell her Rob!! Tell her! My dad let go of me and looked at my mom.
I think my moms happiness was a little contagious even I started jumping up and down asking him what was going on. My dad looked back at me and said, Since it is summer and we haven't seen each other in a while your mother and I thought it would be a good Idea if you spent the summer with me over in San Diego!! How does that sound?! OH MY GOD YES THAT SOUNDS GOOD! I said jumping all around. When are we leaving? How much should I pack? Will it be hot? Of course it will be hot I said to myself. As I kept rambling on and on my dad grabbed my shoulder and said, calm down Scar with a little chuckle. We are leaving as soon as you are ready. He nodded. Okay! okay!! thank you guys so much! I pulled both my parents into a big hug and ran up stairs as fast as I could and packed my stuff.
I could here my parents laughing down stairs. I thought that was kinda odd. I don't think they have ever gotten along so well since their split.
I zipped up my suit case and ran down stairs. I'm ready! I yelled. Alright go put your stuff in the car my dad said. I put my stuff in the car and came back inside to give my mom a hug . Alright I'll see you later my dad yelled to my mom as he left the house and as I entered.
Ohhh sweetie... My mom said. Mom! I said running to her arms. I'm gonna miss you she replied. I didn't know what to say...
I think she was a little upset I was so excited to leave her. Don't get me wrong I love my mom but , California!! My dream state. I smile every time I think of the palm trees and the rolling waves on the beach.
I love you mommy. I said. I heard her sniffle and I pulled my head out of the crook of her neck and looked at her face. Come on mom you were so excited two seconds ago!!? I said smiling. She smiled back, and whipped her tears. Alright well... You better go before your dad gets upset.. she replied. Your probably right. I said as I walked towards the door. As I was halfway out the door I looked back at my mom and gave her a little re-assuring smile. She waved and gave the same smile back.
I walked out the door got in the car, and there I was. On my way all the way from the wet and cold state of south east Washington, on my way to the amazing state of California.

I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. I know cam isn't in it yet but trust me he will be in the next one!!! I just wanted to give you guys some background info about Scarlett(:

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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