The Successor

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Hello there!Comment down below
If you want in izuku's harem and I'll think about it but
No genderbend here sorry
But Enjoy the chapter!

Midoriya's Pov:

Since I'm studying in middle school the teacher was saying something.

Teacher:I was holding these papers for you to graduate but *throws papers*who am I care you all want to be heroes! right?!(A/N:I don't think that's what the teacher says so sorry)

Everyone was showing their quirks except me and kacchan.

Katsuki:Teach,don't lump me and Izuku with these losers

Everyone was shouting at bakugou.

Katsuki:Oh so you wanna fight?!

Teacher:Oh yeah you and midoriya here are attending at U.A right?

Student 1:Whoa!U.A really?!

Timeskip~(cause you know the school moment except the bullying)

After school while I was walking under the tunnel then I heard something coming in the sewers.

Izuku:Uhm,is it just me or did I just heard someone?

Touya:I don't know try using your Long Sense.


In the sewer I saw a sludge monster villain has appeared behind me.

Sludge:Ah,a perfect meat shield!

The sludge had an evil grin at me and tries to attack me but when it gets near me the time just slow down and I dodged it.


Touya:Oh yeah,that's part of your physical ability.


When I dodged the villain it keeps charging at me but I keep dodging until someone appear in the sewer and it was...

All Might:Do not worry young man!Because I am here!

The villain charges at All Might.

Sludge:ALL MIGHT!!!

All Might:TEXAS SMASH!!!

Sludge:U-ugh!Wind pressure!?

The sludge exploded and All might grabs two bottle and places the villain in it.

Izuku:A-all Might?!

All Might:Hahahahahaha!Looks like I caught the villain!Are you alright Young man?

I started to fanboy at All Might.

Izuku:A-all Might,can I p-please have your autograph?!

All Might:Sure young man!Welp I have to go and bring this to the police station!

Izuku:T-thank you and goodbye!

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