A/N Second book ideas

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This book is going to end so no and,butts, or anything about it! but I am going to give you a sneak peek into my 2ed book!

Adopted by... TEAM CRAFTED: The obsessed Fanboy

Enrique's POV

Hi, I'm Enrique I am a 15 year old boy... I mean man! Anyways I am a big fan if minecraft and youtubers. Some people call me odsessed. Well I won't argue with that.

More about me

Hair: brown

Skin tone: I'm Mexican...

Fav color: Black (IM NOT EMO)

Best subject: video games

I am a wizard (if that's what you want to call it) the powers I know so far are being Invisible, super speed, and healing. When ever I do a spell my birthmark glows a reddish pick color (my birth mark looks like a fire mark)

I really wanted to be abopted by team crafted my whole life even tho I have a loving family already. I am really mad that Nicole got abopted and not me. I kinda want to get revenge on her. even tho he does not even know me. And I think I will.

Hope this got your hopes up for my next book! hope you enjoyed my unicorns and HAVE A GREAT DAY!

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